Built over a deep pit to seal it, Huska Castle is the gateway to the underworld
Built over a deep pit to seal it, Huska Castle is the gateway to the underworld 1233
In many Western films, we see castles in which there is a lot of suspicion and ambiguity. When we see them, our feelings mix between fear and curiosity to know what they contain within their walls, and we wonder if such castles can exist in reality.
When we look at the castle (Cursed Huska), the answer will be yes and for sure, it is a castle located at the top of a high cliff in the middle of dense and dark forests in the Czech state. Just drawings left over with a concrete or wooden wall.
It does not contain any bathrooms, sewage, or towers to guard it, and it does not have trenches to protect it, as was the usual character in the Middle Ages.
Huska Castle was built in the twelfth century on the orders of Ottokar II, King of the Czech Republic. It is strange that it was built in a remote and isolated area. It is not near a large city to guard it, nor is it located on a trade route to protect it.. It has no strategic benefit as it seems.

? Why if they bother to build it
The answer lies in the ancient tales told by the inhabitants: it was built to seal the gates of hell!
? What is the story of the scary pit under the castle
It is said that the castle was built over a deep pit that has no resolution, and this pit is connected to Hell! And from it, frightful, savage creatures, rogue demons, came out to attack the peasants of the inhabitants of the nearby villages.
When the news of the pit reached the king, he did not believe it at first, so he came to see it for himself.
It was a huge dark hole, and in order to find out what was inside it, the king brought one of the prisoners sentenced to death and offered him to go down to the hole to see what was in it and come back and tell them what he saw in exchange for his pardon.
The miserable prisoner accepted the king's offer, and he was a strong young man, and indeed they tied him with ropes and dragged him into the hole..
But he was almost absent in the darkness of the hole for a little while he started screaming and begging to get him out, and when they took him out they found him aged and his hair turned completely white! It is as if 40 years have passed and he has only missed moments!
When they asked him what he saw, he did not answer them because he was in a hysterical state, and later they transferred him to a mental institution, and he died after only two days.
In front of this terrifying scene, the king decided to close this cursed hole forever to prevent demons from getting out of it, so he built this huge castle for this purpose only, where he made its hall directly above the hole and closed it completely.
The castle's rocky foyer sits just above the pit
Years passed amid the city's fear of the fortress, they avoided even mentioning its name, and rarely did a person pass through it, due to its distance in the thick of the forests.
Centuries passed and no one inhabited the castle, even the nobles who owned it in later ages were not interested in it.
It is uninhabitable, there is no source of drinking water near it, and it lacks service facilities.
But the strange thing is that the Nazis, especially the Nazi secret force, when they occupied the Czechs, came directly and inhabited the castle and stayed there until the end of the war..

? What did they do there
It is said that the Nazis conducted frightening secret experiments in the castle
According to sources, they conducted a large number of secret experiments, taking advantage of the remote location of the castle.
According to some rumors spread among the people in the Czech Republic, the secret work that the Germans conducted in the castle was focused on finding a way to enter the hole and exploiting the dark forces inside it for the Nazis.
And terrible things happened inside the castle during that period..
And that some prisoners and prisoners of war were forced to go down to the pit, some of them never returned, and others when they pulled them and found half of their bodies had flown as if a terrifying beast had bitten off their bodies!
After the war, the gates of the castle were opened to tourists, ghost lovers, and television channels. Over the years, many visitors said that they heard mysterious sounds, knocking, scribbling, steps and frightening screams... especially below the castle hall..
Believers that the castle is a gateway to hell say that this scribble and sounds come from demons and monsters trying to make their way out of the hole.

Visitors to the castle say they hear mysterious sounds inside
Recently, Huska Castle returned and became the focus of attention and rumors with the collapse of part of one of its walls. The locals returned to the old legends, saying that the goblins of the Hell Gate below Huska Castle are about to break free and come out of the pit after the fall of the wall.
Will curiosity to know the contents of such a fortress triumph over dread and fear of it if you had the chance to visit it?

– Houska Castle – Wikipedia– The Frightening Legend of Houska Castle