Soon the possibility of traveling by balloon to space
Tourist travel into space became commonplace, with the launch of rockets carrying vehicles carrying ordinary passengers, not including astronauts.
But the new thing is that space travel will become by balloon, and here we do not mean the traditional balloon that we know in exploration voyages, but it is similar in shape.
Balloon travel will start in 2025, and the price of a single ticket per trip will reach $200,000.
Halo Space, based in the Spanish capital, Madrid, plans to offer this zero-emissions flight service.
The space balloon carries 8 passengers plus the pilot on each flight, with panoramic windows allowing 365-degree views, so that passengers can see Earth and space at the same time at an altitude of 40 kilometers, unlike current spacecraft.
The company said it will conduct the first test of a prototype space balloon in India next December.
Once the trials are completed, the company will begin commercial flights in 2025, and the company later plans to establish launch bases on 4 continents.

Source: websites