The crimes of the Phoenician general Hanun in the Tebessa Amazighs
The crimes of the Phoenician general Hanun in the Tebessa Amazighs 1567
The crimes of the Phoenician general Hanun in the Amazighs of Tebessa, Chaouia
, immediately after the first Punic war around the third century BC, which ended with the defeat of the State of Carthage, which was ruled by an elite of generals and rulers of Phoenician origins . The Phoenician Carthaginian general Hannoun is mentioned in the ancient referenceshannoun or annon He came out with an army from Carthage, located near the coast of the current Tunisian capital, to explore and invade the interior areas south of Carthage, which belong to the Kingdom of Al-Maseel Al-Numaid. The war of mercenaries and also for the robbery and looting of the wealth of the Numidian villages and the capture of its inhabitants and the taking of young people as hostages to Carthage so that they do not revolt against it, as the historian Diodor Al-Saqili mentions to us in his book
Diodorus of Sicily. Volume 4 / translation by M. Ferd. hoefer
The Phoenician Carthaginian general Hannon invaded the southern regions of the Kingdom of Carthage to loot the Numidian villages and provide his army with free food and drink, and all this to reduce the costs of his army from the treasury of Carthage and continued his march until he reached the Tebessa region:Théveste It is currently in Algeria and is considered the home of the Chaoui Berbers, and its name was at the time of the historian Diodore Sicilian hécatompyle.
Tevest was called "Hekatumbeli - The City of a Hundred Gates"! ( S.Gsell). After the First Punic War, a war broke out between the Berber soldiers who were fighting with the army of Carthage due to the latter's refusal to pay their financial dues and the dispute developed into a war between the two parties. The Berber soldiers left Carthage and headed to Sika. (Tunisian city of El Kef) The Phoenician General Hanun, charged with eliminating them , pursued them until he reached the Berber city of Tebessa, located east of Algeria, Hecatompyle.. So he besieged it and threatened its residents with extermination, and the "great city of the Libyans" was forced to surrender, and its people came out, raising olive branches, as an expression of them that they are peaceful, but the army of the Phoenician General Hannon entered it and imposed on its people to provide
3000 hostages. He took them with his army to Carthage
The crimes of the Phoenician general Hanun in the Tebessa Amazighs 1568
Imagine this wicked Phoenician general who captivated 3 thousand Numidian Berbers from Tebessa, as did the Umayyad criminals after him. of murders
The weak and secure from the Berbers of North Africa were enslaved and plundered, and they
imagined with me the features of the captive children and youth and their psyche, and let us consider them our children from our blood, and let us roam our imagination among them at that time and listen to their crying and screaming and imagine their suffering when they were being driven and crammed all the way from their distant country Tebessa to Carthage and the grief of their families. Their mothers that it is a sight, and God's minds fly from it.

Source: websites