In the city of Tebessa, Arabi inscription
In the city of Tebessa, Arabi inscription 1-74 
Some Arabized nationalists in Algeria are proud of this monument and promote that it is evidence
 Archeology on the presence of Arabs in Algeria from ancient times, and in fact there are those who see this archaeological monument as a symbol of betrayal, treachery and the eastern invasion of the Berbers under the banner of their Roman masters
 These antiquities in Tebessa are not evidence of the presence of Arabs in the region. Have you seen an Arab writing on the antiquities in Latin? And when did the Romans glorify foreigners in their ?monuments
So, it may belong to legions of Arab mercenaries who were recruited by the Romans and then the Byzantines in their wars against the Berbers in North Africa, especially the Ghassanids and Thamudians who had a legion fighting with the Roman army and called it the Thamudian Saraghna Legion  sarraceni tamudeni Equites
Even the Romans were the ones who called the Petra region in Jordan the name Arabia Petraea
After the Nabateans surrendered to the Romans and their king submitted to the empire, taxes were imposed on the Roman Nabataean province and imposed on its people to provide a military legion to help Rome in its wars in its colonies, especially in North Africa, and the Romans brought these Arab mercenaries
To the Amazigh country to kill its people and loot their money
In the city of Tebessa, Arabi inscription Sans_t17 
Comment on the topic:
As you can see, dear reader, unfortunately, the Amazigh region of Tebessa was one of the victims of the eastern invasion of the Phoenician invaders, as well as the Arab invaders who worked as mercenaries under the hands of the Romans
The strange thing is that we see some semi-historians from the region of Tebessa itself, such as Min Balghith and Othman Saadi, who love everything that is oriental and Phoenician, and they attribute the history of this land to them, although history has shown us that the region of Tebessa is one of the greatest victims of the East, the Phoenicians and the Arabs, so how can these Arabized nationalists be proud of who Killing and oppressing their ancestors, isn’t this a denial of the fathers and grandfathers and of the land on which we live? Isn’t this exactly the idea of ​​colonialism that the thinker Malik Ibn ?Nabi spoke about
Yes, these radiant Arab nationalists did not appreciate and did not feel the grace of Tamort and the sweetness of Tamazight. How do they have it? They despise the culture, language, civilization and history of Tamazight and Tamourt...from the word Amur, and perhaps the Franks quote Amour, which means love and adoration, because the Amazigh people in all North African countries love and adore their land and homeland until madness.
From this article, we renew to you, our Amazigh brothers, the Tebessa region, whether you speak Berber or colloquial Algerian, our call to rediscover the Maghreb Amazigh self buried within you, and to get rid of Arab and Phoenician illusions, diseases of artificial identity, and self-contempt. You are Amazighs and your ancestors are buried in your land under Your feet, not in the Arab orient.
Tamazight teaches us the true concept of patriotism, the love of the homeland/Tamazight, not the homeland associated with a ministerial position, government, job, or party, but rather the love of the land in which you live, and you love those who live with you, with the same affiliation and spirit.
Tamazight is not against Islam as its enemies promote. Amazigh / Tamazight does not ask you to break away from your religion, but rather it will make you glorify only Tamazight, and it will not make you a false homeland, neither in Baghdad, nor in Damascus, nor in Mecca, nor in Paris and London.
But there is another opinion about the inscription in the city of Tebessa, where the Algerian Dr. Nassira Ben Seddik, a world-renowned Latin archaeologist, states: It was designed to commemorate the victory of the Emperor of Rome in his wars in the Arab countries, and not as the supporters of the pan-Arabist movement claim, which has been living illusions Trying to create an Arab presence in North Africa out of nowhere. This is the text of Dr.'s comment
In the city of Tebessa, Arabi inscription 1-24 
And the city of Tebessa, the land of the free Amazighs, if we assume that it was a victim of the invasions of the Arab oriental legions that the Romans brought to the Tebessa region and North Africa for the war of the Amazighs rebelling against the Romans, where we find inscriptions of names in Latin immortalizing the name Arab in the Arabic meaning ARABI as shown in the attached picture. Homo sapiens considers it a betrayal that you welcome a foreign invader into your country on the other hand that you are proud of a mercenary army brought by Rome to assault to quell the rebellion of your ancestors.

Source: websites