Exclusion of the Amazigh language
Exclusion of the Amazigh language 11451 
Whew! The Algerian regime seeks to unite the foreign peoples represented by the eastern and Gulf peoples under the slogan of fascist Arabism. And the Algerians are differentiated by excluding the Amazigh language, a national and constitutionally official language, ?!from the new banknote
How do you want the Amazighs to feel that they belong to this country and avoid extremism and stop their ears in the face of the separatists, and the state is still seeking with all the cunning and malice that came to it in order to hide the Amazigh component of the ?national identity
Even the demonized State of Israel did not do it with the Palestinians who advocate illusory Arabism, as its money - in addition to traffic light boards and shop signs - is also written in Arabic besides Hebrew!
Is the Algerian regime more racist and exclusionary than the State of Israel!? Rather, more Zionist than the Israelis themselves.
Source: Forum + Websites