Professors denounce the exclusion of Amazigh from the teaching memorandum of the community
Professors denounce the exclusion of Amazigh from the teaching memorandum of the community 12001
The Ministry of National Education and Vocational Training issued a memorandum to all principals and teachers, which centered on a set of conditions that must be met by professors wishing to join a group of European countries to teach the Moroccan community, the subjects of the Arabic language and Moroccan culture for the academic season 2023/2024, without providing any indication. for the Amazigh language.
Professors denounce the exclusion of Amazigh from the teaching memorandum of the community 1-336
The exclusion of the teaching of the Amazigh language in memorandum No. 23×035: dated June 01, 2023 The teaching of the children of the Moroccan community residing abroad is clear discrimination, and a flagrant violation of the requirements of the 2011 constitution, which explicitly acknowledges the official state of the Amazigh language and considers it a common asset for all Moroccans without exception.

The people of the community have the right to learn their mother tongue, “and as it is known that the mother tongue has an important role in preserving the identity of the young, as it is a carrier of the thought and culture of a people, so teaching the Arabic language alone without the Amazigh language is a dedication to alienation of another kind, and a dissociation from its identity and culture, from It would raise generations that suffer from double alienation.”
Professors denounce the exclusion of Amazigh from the teaching memorandum of the community 1-1410
Memorandum No. 035×23: dated June 01, 2023 regarding the teaching of children of the Moroccan community residing abroad

Source: websites