Powered by hydrogen cells..a car that travels a distance of 1,000 km on a single charge
 Powered by hydrogen cells..a car that travels a distance of 1,000 km on a single charge 1379
Sweden's Volvo has recently announced the start of testing trucks that use hydrogen fuel cells, with the company saying they could have a range of about 1,000 km.
There are two ways to power modern cars, as most cars use an internal combustion engine that burns fuel, which in turn generates enough heat to drive the transmission and wheels, which leads to the movement of the vehicle completely.
But the way electric cars work is completely different. Instead of internal combustion, they rely on batteries to provide the electric motor with the energy needed to move the car.
However, a fuel cell is very different from a battery. The huge lithium-ion battery in a Tesla Model S, for example, stores electrical energy as electrical potential (volts). In hydrogen cars, the fuel cell produces electricity through reactions between hydrogen and oxygen in the air.
During the reaction, hydrogen and oxygen combine to produce electrical energy and harmless water vapor, and if this initial chemical reaction is large enough, it can power an entire vehicle.
What makes hydrogen cars special is their ability to travel great distances, for example: electric cars with a single charge travel between 200 and 350 km, while working on developing cars that travel 600 km on a single charge.
But the hydrogen Toyota Mirai was able to cover a distance of more than 1,000 kilometers on a single charge, knowing that recharging lasts for only 5 minutes, compared to about 50 minutes for charging electric cars at charging stations on the roads.
However, hydrogen cars face several challenges, such as: hydrogen storage, safety, and the high cost of the car, which may reach more than 60 thousand dollars.

source :websites