Main Articles and opinions section The crimes of the Umayyad ISIS against the innocent, defenseless, peaceful Amazigh population
Main Articles and opinions section The crimes of the Umayyad ISIS against the innocent, defenseless, peaceful Amazigh population  4386
Among the peoples who were victims of the Umayyad invasion and persecution in the name of Islam, we find the Amazigh people in North Africa, whom the ancient Muslims permitted to call them Amazighs unjustly (since they were called Amazighs by the Romans who called them Amazighs as a result of their valiant resistance to the Roman invasion, their rebellion and their refusal to submit to the authority of their empire and its might).
The Amazighs are the indigenous people of North Africa, their original home since thousands of years BC, and extending from Egypt in the east to the shores of the Atlantic in the west.
The crimes of the Umayyad ISIS against the innocent, defenseless, peaceful Amazigh population
Main Articles and opinions section The crimes of the Umayyad ISIS against the innocent, defenseless, peaceful Amazigh population  11592
Thus came the Umayyad ISIS brandishing their swords, sweeping away a civilization that spanned thousands of years, greedy for spoils and slave-girls, urging the mask of spreading Islam and jihad in the way of God against the infidels, accompanied by their strife, their strife and the clatter of their swords, determined to oppress the innocent under the pretext that they are infidels, and the real motive was the unbridled desire for captivity and plunder And the spoils.
It is not surprising, and in this case, that the Berbers rose up forcefully to defend their entity, their homeland, and their land, and with the insistence of the Umayyad ISIS on oppression and plunder, the Amazighs resisted them with great ferocity, and after fierce battles between the two sides that lasted for nearly a hundred years, during which thousands of dead fell from both sides in fierce battles during which the Umayyad ISIS committed the worst Crimes against the innocent defenseless Amazigh population with their blind oppression, so that they did not differentiate between the warriors and the peaceful defenseless population, as they considered everyone to be infidels who must be fought, and their attacks were the extermination and killing of the other infidel without discrimination and degrading his blood, his honour, his land and his money, and it was Their first and last concern is how many spoils they collect and how many slave girls and prisoners they bring after shedding the blood of dozens of innocent people.
For example, historians say (that Musa ibn al-Nusair returned from his conquests in Africa and Andalusia, dragging a thousand virgins behind him. And that he sent one-fifth of the virgins to the caliph in Levant, because the verse says: “And know that whatever you gain is a fifth of it belongs to God and the Messenger). Every soul has a long story behind it of looting, plundering, and sacrilege, which is a great tragedy in its own right.
And in the book (History of Africa and Morocco), authored by al-Qayrawani, we read about the Umayyad ISIS leader Uqba ibn Nafeh:
(And he went on until he reached the far west, and he found the Amazighs in countless numbers (the innocent defenseless population), so he met them and fought them with a fierce fight that the people of Morocco had never heard of, so he killed a great moral among them and wounded women whose like people had not seen, and it was said that a slave girl among them used to reach a thousand dinars in the east or so).
On the authority of the Umayyad ISIS leader, Musa bin Naseer, we read:
(And he went out as an invader to Africa and found that the Amazighs had fled to the West (the defenseless, innocent population), so he pursued them and killed them with a brutal killing until they thought that it was annihilation, and he took many captives from them, until he reached the nearest Sous, which is the country of Daraa. When the Amazighs saw what befell them (the innocent population), They trusted and obeyed).
And in the book (The Conquest of Morocco) by its author, Husayn Moanis, we read:
(And the entire province of Ifriqiya became at the mercy of the Muslims, so they began to seize what they found until they collected huge spoils.
And all the history books that chronicle the so-called Islamic conquest of North Africa are full of such transgressions and atrocities against the innocent population, which continued even after the Islam of the Amazighs! These atrocities were committed against the Amazighs, despite their conversion to Islam, and with the order and blessing of !!!.the Umayyad caliph in the East
Historians say that the Umayyad caliph Hisham bin Abd al-Malik wrote to his governor in Ifriqiya saying:
“Now, the Commander of the Faithful, when he saw what Musa bin Naseer was sending to Abd al-Malik (i.e., to his father Abd al-Malik bin Marwan), he wanted the same from you, and you have barbarian slave-girls who fill the eyes, who take to the hearts what is in need of us in the Levant and what is dear to him, so be kind. In selecting, looking for graceful beauty, broad shoulders, broad breasts, supple bodies, delicate fingertips, interlacing stems (legs), protruding branches, impeccable eyes, easy cheeks, small mouths, good gaps, broad bodies, moderate stature, and soft speech ».
Strange descriptions of an obsessed slave trader who takes his worker as a "pimp" for him and singles himself out with the title of !!Emir and Caliph of the Muslims
And after the escalation of the Umayyad injustice and enslavement against the innocent Amazigh population, so that they were asking them to pay the tribute as well despite their conversion to Islam!!!, the Amazigh leaders sent a delegation of them to Damascus in the East to meet the Umayyad caliph to complain to him, thinking that these abuses and atrocities are taking place only by order of the Umayyad leaders without knowledge Caliph in the East, the caliph refused to receive the Amazigh delegation and ignored their complaints!.
The Amazigh became certain that the atrocities of the Umayyad leaders against the innocent population were taking place with the knowledge and complicity of the caliph, so the great Amazigh revolution broke out against Umayyad oppression and enslavement, led by the Amazigh hero March al-Mathghari, then succeeded by the Amazigh hero Khaled al-Zanati , who was able after fierce battles to defeat the Umayyads and annihilate their leaders completely. Their father reeled in the battle known as the Battle of Al-Ashraf, in which all the Arab leaders and supervision of the Umayyads were killed, and none of them was spared. ..
Main Articles and opinions section The crimes of the Umayyad ISIS against the innocent, defenseless, peaceful Amazigh population  11593
The Great Amazigh Revolution was the first revolution against oppression and tyranny in Islam, during which all the leaders of the Umayyads fell at the hands of the Amazigh revolutionaries.
All the Umayyads were expelled from North Africa as a whole, and the Amazighs wrested their complete independence from the bloody Umayyad caliphate in the East once and for all and established their own states.
The Umayyad background in Damascus Hisham bin Abd al-Malik became very angry, and he said his famous saying: “By God, I will make them angry with Arab anger, and I will send them an army that is first with them and the end is with me, and I will make the barbarians like ashes.” But this phrase was just a cry of the vanquished, and soon the Umayyad caliphate fell in the Levant and the establishment of the Abbasid caliphate, and the Amazighs remained politically independent from the East for centuries after that until European colonialism crept at the beginning of the twentieth century.
And what the Amazigh people suffered from persecution, urging the shield to spread Islam, suffered by other peoples, such as the Copts in Egypt, who are the original inhabitants of the people of the Nile Valley, and the ethnic extension and cultural communication of the dynasty of the ancient Egyptian people, the founder of the Pharaonic civilization. Likewise, the Kurds, Syriacs, and Armenians in the Levant, and the Nubians in Sudan, and others, where they still suffer from persecution in the name of Islam and Arabism to this day.
Main Articles and opinions section The crimes of the Umayyad ISIS against the innocent, defenseless, peaceful Amazigh population  5310
Subject margins
The Battle of Qaddoura , is a battle that took place in the year 123 AH between the Amazigh revolutionaries and the Umayyad army led by Kulthum bin Ayyad al-Qushayri, and ended with the defeat of the Umayyad army and the killing of Kulthum bin Ayyad.
The Battle of Al-Ashraf , is one of the great battles during the Great Amazigh Revolution, which took place in the year 122 AH / 740 AD, and ended with a great victory for the Amazighs against the Umayyad army, and it was led by the Amazigh commander Khaled bin Hamid Al-Zanati. And all the leaders and nobles of the Umayyads were killed in the battle, so the ancient Arab sources called it the Battle of the Nobles.
Hisham bin Abd al-Malik al-Umayyad al-Quraishi : He is the tenth caliph of the Umayyads (reign: 724-743 AD).

Khalid bin Hamid al-Zanati , a Amazigh leader who led the Great Amazigh Revolution against the Umayyads and fought fierce battles against the Umayyad army, and his army was able to crush the Umayyad army, and inflicted a great massacre upon them, in which a large number of Umayyad leaders and nobles were killed. And he was able to liberate the land of the Berbers from the tyranny and tyranny of the Umayyads.
The Umayyad caliphate is the second caliphate in the history of Islam (662-750 AD) , and one of the largest ruling states in history. The Umayyad Arabs were the first ruling families for it, as they ruled from the year 41 AH (662 AD) to 132 AH (750 AD), and the capital of the caliphate was in the city of Damascus.
