?France: how can an Algerian get a residence permit
?France: how can an Algerian get a residence permit 1-73
France – To stay in France legally for more than three (3) months, here is how an Algerian can have a residence permit. The details will be revealed to you in the following paragraphs.
Are you an Algerian, of legal age, and wish to apply for a residence permit to reside in France? It's possible. For this, certain conditions must be met in order to reside on French territory for more than three (3) months. As a reminder , this document authorizes its holder to stay in France and work there .
To do this, you must first apply for a residence certificate. Thus, we present to you in this article all the information necessary for your application for a residence permit in France. Depending on your personal and professional situation, the procedure and the documents to be provided to apply for a residence permit vary.

You must first obtain a long-stay visa mentioning the article of the Code for the entry and stay of foreigners as well as the right to asylum relating to the reason for the stay. Centerpiece, your passport! You must also have a birth certificate, proof of residence dating back three (3) months.
In addition, make sure you have three (3) recent identity photos, proof of payment of stamp duty at the time of delivery of the title. In addition to a medical certificate issued by the OFII to be submitted when the title is handed over.

Residence permit: the case of those concerned by the employment contract
In addition, you will need to master the French language. Indeed, the new law updated by the French department of Gérald Darmanin requires the passing of a French language exam. For all professional situations, you must have a long-stay visa. The certificate of residence will have the mention “employee”.
Indeed, those concerned by the employment contract will naturally have to hold a work permit or a work permit. Failing this, the residence permit will not be issued to him by the consular authorities.
