Algerian city of puzzles,
 Algerian city of puzzles, 1----435
They are called by several names, including:
Lost city
The eighth wonder of the world...
City of jinn
It is also called the Mystery City, and it is located in Tassili N'Ajjer in Djanet, southern Algeria. It contains more than 15,000 frescoes and inscriptions and dates back 20,000 years, meaning the oldest civilization in the world that existed even before the existence of humans.
It has been classified by UNESCO on the World Heritage List, and its area is the same size as the state of Jordan. It is the largest cave city in the world...and older than the Egyptian pyramids.
This city was talked about by Mufdi Zakaria when he visited Britain, and specifically the British Museum, where he found in the museum amazing information about this city and spoke
It is said that Sivar is a city inhabited by jinn and no one has visited it, and all the drawings, pictures and studies you see are only part of it... No one discovered it from the inside.
The only video reportage was filmed by France 2 from a plane from above, but did not film it all.
It is also said that it was inhabited by “jinn and jinn,” the people who inhabited the earth before humans, and Ibn Kathir spoke about them in the beginning and the end.
The only one who entered it was the greatest magician in the history of mankind {Aleister Crowley} and the team that entered with him all died except him; Years later, he died, and he also left a document in which he drew incomprehensible lines and drawings, and none of the magicians were able to interpret them. [The document is located in a museum in Britain]
This magician spoke after visiting Sivar and said that the throne of Satan exists in this area.
America said that all triangles exist in the sea except one triangle located in the Algerian desert [the Bermuda Triangles].

Source: websites