The banishment of the Amazigh language from the Moroccan national team's reception bus after its return from the World Cup
The banishment of the Amazigh language from the Moroccan national team's reception bus after its return from the World Cup 11675
The Moroccan national team reception bus without Amazighs
In a new racial discrimination against the Amazigh language, the Amazigh language was excluded from the bus that will carry the Moroccan national team during the reception ceremonies after its return from the World Cup in Qatar, which was written only in Arabic, Darija and English, and the exclusion of the Amazigh language, the original language of the country!!!, despite it being an official language of the country Also like Arabic in the text of the constitution!!!.
The banishment of the Amazigh language from the Moroccan national team's reception bus after its return from the World Cup 1-279
The height of racism... the complete exclusion of the Amazigh language
The banishment of the Amazigh language from the Moroccan national team's reception bus after its return from the World Cup 1-280
Even the Moroccan national team bus is also without Amazighs
The great irony is that this historic achievement was achieved by the Amazigh players, and the message is clear in this unacceptable racist behavior, which is that the state is the one who fights the Amazighs and pretends to recognize them!!! This step sparked outrage among the entire Amazigh community on social media...
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The absence of the Amazigh language on the front of the bus that will receive the Moroccan national team
When receiving the Moroccan national team in Rabat tomorrow, the Amazighs were looking forward to recalling the Amazigh language and identity, as the Algerian Brotherhood did, and the Tunisians and Libyans will do when welcoming their teams in the ancient Tifinagh letters, emphasizing the Amazigh cultural identity dimension of North Africa, but unfortunately they were disappointed. It is expected that the Lions’ plane will arrive at Rabat-Salé International Airport at five o’clock in the afternoon, where an open bus will be waiting for them, which will take them to the most prominent streets of the capital, Rabat, before moving to the Royal Palace, where they will be received by King Mohammed VI, for the honorable representation of Morocco in This global football forum, where the Moroccan national team became the first African team to reach the semi-finals, and ranked fourth in the World Cup. A few days ago, the capital, Rabat, witnessed intensive preparations to receive the Moroccan national team, in celebration of this unprecedented achievement of the national football, which was achieved by the players of the sound of Amazigh origins. This reception takes place unlike Algeria, which respected the Amazigh language in receiving its national team, as it used it in the reception bus for the Algerian national team after its brilliance in the African Cup in its latest edition.
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Source : websites