After correspondence with Lakjaa by Amazigh activists.. “The Royal Moroccan Football University” activates the official Amazigh language
After correspondence with Lakjaa by Amazigh activists.. “The Royal Moroccan Football University” activates the official Amazigh language 1-226
The president of the Royal Moroccan Football Federation, Fawzi Lakjaa, responded to the request to activate the official character of the Amazigh language within some of the university's activities.
The Amazigh language finally appeared, mediating the university’s facade, during the press conference organized by the national coach, Walid Regragui, the day before yesterday, Friday, in preparation for the interview that brought together the Moroccan national team with its Brazilian counterpart, yesterday, Saturday, March 25, 2023, and ended with two goals to one in favor of “Black”. Atlas”, and the Amazigh language “Tifinagh” appeared on the board at the players’ entrance to the stadium.
It is noteworthy that more than fifty Amazigh and civil associations have written to the President of the Royal Moroccan Football Federation, Fawzi Lakjaa, in order to activate the official character of the Amazigh language and to integrate it into the activities of the university.
In the full text of the message we mention:
Amazigh events and associations
To Mr. Fawzi Lakjaa, President of the Royal Moroccan Football Federation
Subject : Congratulations and a request to activate the official character of the Amazigh language in the activities of the university
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Greetings, respect and after,
At the outset, Mr. President, we are pleased to extend to you and the general Moroccan people our warm congratulations following the impressive results achieved by our national team, the “Atlas Lions” during the FIFA World Cup competitions in Qatar, and reaching the semi-finals as the first African team to achieve this historic achievement.
As the world followed, what our national team achieved brought happiness and joy to the hearts of millions of Moroccans, and contributed to strengthening the national feeling. During the World Cup matches, as well as during the grand reception that His Majesty the King gave to the national team upon his return to Rabat, the Moroccan people expressed their happiness, pride and pride in this historic achievement, which will remain immortal.
On this occasion, we would like to draw your attention to the deficiencies that we noticed in organizing football matches, as well as in receiving the national team after its return to the homeland, represented in the absence of the use of the official Amazigh language:
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The Amazigh language is an official language of the Moroccan state, as stipulated in the country’s constitution since 2011. This great status has been achieved thanks to the efforts of His Majesty King Mohammed VI and his wise policy, which was at the forefront of all initiatives in this field, whether at the national or Maghreb level. Monarchy with the Amazigh identity and language in all the royal speeches delivered by His Majesty at critical stages in the history of Morocco.
The demarcation of the Amazigh language was followed by the approval of the regulatory law on activating its official character, which was ratified by the Moroccan parliament and issued in the Official Gazette since October 1, 2019. The aforementioned law stipulates in its second article that the state “works by all available means to promote communication in the Amazigh language and develop its use in various Priority areas of public life, as an official language of the state and a common asset for all Moroccans without exception.
It also stipulates in its Article 27:
The use of the Amazigh language, along with the Arabic language, in:
Signs and signs installed on the facades and inside the headquarters of administrations, public facilities, institutions, public establishments, constitutional councils and bodies, elected councils and bodies;
Signs and signs installed on the facades and inside the premises of Moroccan embassies and consulates abroad, as well as their facilities and departments;
Signage boards and signs installed in roads, road stations, airports, ports and public spaces.
In Article 28 of the Organic Law, the following is stated:
In the Amazigh language, in addition to the Arabic language, the signs for the various means of transport that provide public services or that belong to public interests are written, in particular:
Cars and transports used by public services, especially those in charge of national security, the royal gendarmerie, civil protection, auxiliary forces and ambulances;
Various vehicles and transports intended for public services or licensed to do so;
Planes and ships registered in Morocco, as well as trains.
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And since the shirts of the players in the national team for men and women, and the various Moroccan teams competing in the national championship, are included in the symbols of the Moroccan state and its institutions, as well as the buses that transport the players and all the means and tools used by the university, you must work to activate this law in the institution that you supervise. It is based on what is known about your sophistication, insight and respect for the law, and the pioneering roles that the university plays under your leadership in introducing our country to international sports circles.
In terms of media, you should also not be satisfied with accompanying journalists and sports descriptions in Arabic and French only, as the aforementioned regulatory law stipulates the need to use the two official languages in the media in the various programs broadcast by Moroccan radio channels, including television, especially since most of the players and their accompanying crews speak their languages. Amazigh mother.
While awaiting your response to these observations and your activation of the regulatory law regarding the official character of the Amazigh language, please accept, Mr. President, our sincere expressions of appreciation and respect.
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Signatory associations:
Amazigh World Assembly Organization
Amazigh Observatory for Rights and Freedoms
Confederation of Amazigh Cultural Associations in northern Morocco
Confederation of Tamont-N-Aifos in southern Morocco
Aza Forum Association
Tamsna Amazigh Youth Authority
Toubkal Forum for Amazigh culture and human rights
The National Authority for Monitoring Audiovisual and Artistic Production
Amazigh Sanhaja Rural Association
Ezoran Night Abo Association
Amazigh Women Association for Culture and Development “Tamtot” (Barcelona, Spain)
Dialogue Association in Belgium
Twizy Association - Lille, France
Human Rights Association in Morocco
Al-Jisr Association for Development and Immigration (Farkana Al-Nadour)
Adrar Kercif Association
Abgour Association for Rural Development
Anarouz Association for Development and Cultural Communication Tafraout
Telelly Association for Culture and Arts
Twizi Association in Casablanca
Al-Amal Association for Education and Training in Khemisset
The regional association of teachers of the Amazigh language in the Casablanca-Settat region
Massine Association for Culture and Art in Agadir
The Regional Association of Amazigh Language Teachers and Teachers Fez-Meknes
Amoud Association for Culture and Environment (ANFA)
Federation of Women's Suffrage League
Tafsout Development Association
World Mountain Population Association, Morocco branch
Acid Association for Culture in Meknes.
Fazaz Observatory Association for Media and Culture in Merrit
Association of Reception, Listening and Guidance Al Hoceima
Network of development associations in the province of Al Hoceima
Association for Cooperation for Development and Culture - ACODEC
Dutch Adrar Association
Ajdir Association for learning the Amazigh language and transferring its culture and heritage to Kenitra
Asmer Association for Culture and Translation
Federation of Amazigh Associations in Germany
Amgar Association for Culture and Development in Khenifra
EUROTAMAZGHA Association for Culture and Education in the Spanish Region of Murcia
Amazigh Cultural Association “ROSES” of Catalonia in Spain
Association TAWMAT of Driouch
AFUS GOFUS Association for Development and Sports
The IFASSEN ISARHEN Association for Amazigh Development and Culture in Larache
TITRIT Association for Development and Culture in Azrou
AFOUS GUFUS association for local development in Azlaf
Zoom Association for the Arts
Netherlands MJG Foundation
African Lion Association for Development and Cooperation in Beni Ansar
Youth League for Development and Solidarity in Nador

Source : websites