Don't be afraid, let's learn the Amazigh language
Don't be afraid, let's learn the Amazigh language 1725
People are always obsessed with the unknown. But if you speak Darija, you speak Tamazight without realizing it. What you lack is practice speaking or writing it.
Above all, be humble and love learning.
You will say to me, “Bezaf Alia, the Berbers of the Atlas, Sousse, or the countryside, and one is not similar to another.” This is not true, it is enough for you to learn one to understand the others. Consult yourself and start learning the ones your heart tends to.
Don't be afraid, let's learn the Amazigh language 1-117
The first thing you should start with is understanding, then speaking comes after that.
Enjoy the radio, TV or the Internet and focus on conversations that mix Amazigh with Darija, then it will be easier for you to understand and then speak.
If you like music, listen to the songs while reading the lyrics.
Look at the people around you, you will be surprised that many of them master the conversation with it, among your family, neighbors, grocer, or co-workers.
Always start with the easy before the hard. Don't worry about your mistakes when speaking, you will find someone to help you and not make fun of you.

If you like searching in dictionaries, you should purchase the wonderful “Taifi” dictionary, which is written in the Latin letter, or the Muhammad Shafiq dictionary if you want to learn the Arabic letter. Don't let the Tifinagh letter stand in the way of learning this beautiful language. Use the letter that you master and when you get the desire to learn the Tifinagh letter, then do it. But if you prefer electronic dictionaries, you should use the fast-loading “Tafsut” on the mobile phone, which is written in the three letters.
The more you master your Amazigh language, the greater your sense of pride, confidence and awareness, and the deeper your connection to the land and people.

Source: websites