The American Ambassador to Algeria celebrates the Amazigh New Year
The American Ambassador to Algeria celebrates the Amazigh New Year 1_bmp12
Algerians commemorate this day in various villages and cities, especially in the areas where the Amazighs are spread. | Source: Social Media
The US Embassy in Algeria published a tweet that included the congratulations of the US Ambassador, Elizabeth Moore Open, to the Algerians on the occasion of the Amazigh New Year.
In a video clip punctuated by the music of the famous Kabyle artist, Idir, the American ambassador, who was accompanied by her husband, said, wearing the famous Kabyle robe, "We wish all Algerians a happy January," before she and her husband added together, in the Amazigh language, "Isqas Amqaz," which means "Happy New Year."
After that, the ambassador spread sweets on the heads of some of the embassy's children, as required by the Amazigh custom in Algeria, and they in turn chanted "Isqas Amqaz".
The children seemed happy with this movement, as each of them took the floor and congratulated the Algerians on Benair.
The American Ambassador to Algeria celebrates the Amazigh New Year 1_bmp11
On January 12 and 13, families in North African countries, especially Algeria, Morocco and Tunisia, in addition to Libya, celebrate the Amazigh New Year's Eve, which is characterized by unique festive rituals that vary and vary from one region to another despite its many intersections.
The Amazigh New Year's Eve is marked by popular festive rituals with symbolic connotations, reflecting the Amazighs' attachment to their land and their celebration of their identity that extends throughout history, by preparing special dishes and meals, organizing carnivals and gatherings between families and neighbors to the songs and chants of the Amazighs.
In view of the historical and symbolic implications of this event for the Amazigh presence in the north of the continent, the Amazigh Academy in Paris chose it as a reference year, from which the census of the Amazigh calendar begins, coinciding with the beginning of the agricultural year.
The Amazighs spread in North Africa from the area extending from the Siwa Oasis in Egypt to the Canary Islands, and from the borders of the southern Mediterranean to the Sahara desert regions.

The Algerian authorities have adopted January 12 of each year as an official holiday to celebrate the Amazigh New Year, and Algerians commemorate this day in various villages and cities, especially in areas where the Amazighs are widespread, such as Kabylia (east of the capital), and Chaouia in the Aures region (southeast), The gutter in the desert.

Source : websites