Exceeding the speed of light would be possible in this "alternate universe"
Exceeding the speed of light would be possible in this "alternate universe" 1-365
The speed of light is unsurpassable and unattainable according to the physical laws developed by Albert Einstein at the beginning of the 20th century. Provided you think of an alternative universe…
The theories on the speed of light, stated as you know by the illustrious Albert Einstein are unsurpassable. Indeed, it is physically impossible to reach, or even exceed, this speed, as light travels around 300,000 kilometers per second . Too bad, it would still be very practical to discover space and its wonders.

?Unbeatable speed
If this is impossible, it is because of the special theory of relativity. According to this, an object which undergoes an acceleration acquires at the same time mass . And the light not having any, it is precisely what allows it to reach such a speed. We are therefore faced with an impasse. ?Finally… Really
Very recently, researchers have indeed crossed this limit by highlighting a system that would not come into conflict with the laws of restricted physics. It's not easy to explain, but we'll try. Fasten your seat belts.
Special relativity
At the beginning of the 20th century, Einstein theorized special relativity. A theory limited to objects. According to him, observers in relative motion experience time differently: it is indeed perfectly possible that two events occur simultaneously from the point of view of one observer, but occur at different times from the point of view of another. And both observers would be right. Simultaneity is relative and space and time are one .
But as explained by Andrzej Dragan, co-author of the study, this principle does not apply to objects moving at the speed of light. According to him, this is quite possible for observers going beyond the speed of light.
A new conceptual framework
Physicists then defined a new framework to describe such a phenomenon in a coherent and theoretical way. What they came up with is an "extension of special relativity , " which combines three dimensions of time with a single dimension of space , as opposed to the three dimensions of space and one dimension of time that we know.

You will have understood it, (or not) this theory plays somewhat with reality by imagining theoretical models outside of physical laws . That said, the researchers assure that " the presence of such superluminal observers (beyond the speed of light) does not lead to any logical inconsistency and that it is quite possible that superluminal objects really exist."
Based on this new model, superluminal objects would then look like a particle expanding in space like a bubble . The high-speed object, on the other hand, would "experience" several different timelines.

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