A scientific study describes the universe if you exceeded the speed of light, and it's rather strange...
A scientific study describes the universe if you exceeded the speed of light, and it's rather strange... 1-512
"Superluminal objects would look like a particle expanding like a bubble in space." Illustrative photo not contractual. Photo credit: NeozOne (generated by an AI)
Eventually, it would be possible to cross the speed of light. In any case, this is what a new theory formulated by physicists from two renowned universities suggests.
According to the theory of relativity, nothing can exceed light in terms of speed . However, a new study recently published in the journal Classical and Quantum Gravity describes a new postulate that suggests otherwise. The article was written by researchers from the University of Warsaw in Poland and the National University of Singapore. Before getting to the heart of the matter, it should be pointed out that the authors claim that their theory does not go against the usual laws of physics . On the contrary, it would constitute an extension of Albert Einstein 's special relativity .

three-dimensional time
The new theory associates three temporal dimensions with a single spatial dimension (“1+3 space-time”). An unusual concept given that relativity has taught us that the space-time continuum has four dimensions: three for space and one for time . The article suggests that objects can travel at over 300,000 km per second without violating current laws of physics. According to the researchers, superluminal perspectives could make the connection between quantum mechanics and the theory of special relativity .
A scientific study describes the universe if you exceeded the speed of light, and it's rather strange... 1-513
One of the questions raised by this study is whether or not we would be able to observe this behavior. Illustrative photo not contractual. Photo credit: NeozOne (generated by an AI)
Bubbles expanding in space
The study by physicist Andrzej Dragan from the University of Warsaw and his colleagues describes how observations made by faster-than-light travelers can appear. She views superluminal objects as substances that inflate like a bubble in space , giving them the ability to support multiple distinct timelines. "This new definition preserves Einstein's postulate of the constancy of the speed of light in vacuum, even for superluminal observers", emphasizes the researcher .
Questions awaiting answer
Admittedly, this new postulate answers fundamental questions of physics , but it also implies others. It effectively implies a combination of the concepts of special relativity , quantum mechanics, and classical field theory .
A scientific study describes the universe if you exceeded the speed of light, and it's rather strange... 1--219
Can an object exceed the speed of light? Illustrative photo not contractual. Photo credit: NeozOne (generated by an AI)
Moreover, scientists wonder if humans will one day be able to observe this extended behavior. “The simple experimental discovery of a new fundamental particle is a Nobel Prize-winning feat achievable in a large research team using the latest experimental techniques , ” said physicist Krzysztof Turzyński from the University of Warsaw. More information: Classical and Quantum Gravity

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