The hidden history of the moon
The hidden history of the moon 1-373
The hidden history of the moon
There is no person who has not been enchanted by the moon on a clear night when it is a full moon that fills the sky with beauty
Since primitive times, man has looked at the sky
He sees the moon and the stars, and questions increase in his mind
?The moon holds a dark secret
Where did the moon come from
? How did it revolve around the planet Earth
? What is the role of the moon in the story of the formation of the earth
Let's get to know the moon from another unusual angle
The moon's rocks and surface are like a historical record of what happened long ago
?What raised the moon throughout its long history
Rock samples brought by the Apollo mission more than 50 years ago showed that the Earth and the Moon share one common origin.
The moon was born
Many theories have been put forward to explain the origin of the moon, including the most famous theory

The Big Collision Theory
Four and a half billion years ago, the solar system was a different place.
The sun was the powerful star, spinning violently, affecting its cloud of fragments and dust revolving around it..
There were planets forming, and criminality and asteroids colliding, and the planets began to grow and collect more matter, increasing their mass and gravity, and attracting more and more rocks, meteorites and asteroids, and among them was the Earth, which was still alone without .... a moon ....
And 80 million years after the beginning and formation, the newborn Earth was on a date with a violent and large collision with a massive asteroid that intersected the Earth’s orbit and attracted it to it (the asteroid Thea).
asteroid Thea
After the collision, the asteroid will be crushed and the earth will be left as a flaming ball surrounded by an atmosphere of evaporated rocks and gases resulting from the fusion of minerals and earth rocks, along with the elements of the asteroid itself.
Hundreds of years later the Earth and debris colliding in the cold took the rock pieces and fragments around the Earth
And they collided with each other and began to clump and gather into a body
Accountant formed boss is the moon
The above was a simplified presentation of the Big Collision Theory
But it has one shortcoming:
The composition of the Earth and the Moon are identical as twins, and we can see this in the isotopes of the elements in both, and there is no presence of other external elements such as the supposed asteroid (Thea).

We turn now to another strange theory
geological interaction
It assumes that early in the Earth's history, when it was formed, there was an abundance of radioactive elements and their uranium and radio isotopes in the crust and the interior of the planet.
With the acceleration of rotation and the centrifugal force, the radioactive elements tended to concentrate in the heart of the planet.
And near the center, the result then is a massive nuclear explosion under the surface of the planet that leads to the rupture and separation of a part of about a quarter
From the mass of the planet Earth, you can imagine what could happen!!
Billions of tons of the planet's matter, rocks and crust flew out into space, around the planet in all directions.
The rocks and fragments rotated, forming a huge ring around the planet, like the well-known rings of Saturn.
And soon after the passage of several millions of years and under the influence of gravity and continuous rotation to form what is known as the moon

This theory also explains the similar structure of the Earth and the Moon, but the objection this time was:
Some scientists rule out the idea that the concentration of uranium and radioactive elements in the depths of the planet will reach critical or sufficient quantities to start a nuclear reaction and explosion of this supposed huge size.
Now that we have come to this conclusion:
The first hypothesis (the big collision)
And the second (geological interaction)
There is only one last theory left before us, which is (the synestia hypothesis).

Source: websites