!Dinosaurs were not stupid, and they may have ruled the world now.. A recent study reveals
!Dinosaurs were not stupid, and they may have ruled the world now.. A recent study reveals 1-406
A recent study revealed that the previous perception of the stupidity of dinosaurs and that their extinction is evidence of their inability to solve problems or interact with environmental variables was completely wrong. Tyrannosaurus rex had billions of neurons like modern primates.
The assumption of extreme stupidity of dinosaurs is no longer accepted by scientists. Dinosaurs had the power to rule the world now rather than humans. Neuroscientist Susana Herculano Hozel announced a new method by which she was able to prove that dinosaurs had billions of neurons, and that, with an average lifespan of about 40 years, they were able to solve problems, use tools, and perhaps even assimilate cultures, likening them to modern primates.
!Dinosaurs were not stupid, and they may have ruled the world now.. A recent study reveals 1-407
But how can scientists study neurons in fossils hundreds of millions of years ?old
To obtain soft tissues, Susana Herculano Hozel decided to resort to dinosaurs that are still alive and explains that some modern birds, such as emu, are descendants of dinosaurs, and by searching for common features through evolutionary theories, it is possible to identify unknown traits in extinct organisms. .
But because the brains of emu birds are quite small compared to those of the dinosaurs and T-rex, Susana Herculano-Hozel turned to mathematics to estimate the neurons in the brain of birds and expand them to match those that could be present in dinosaurs.
However, the study did not assume that the matter applies to all types of dinosaurs, but specifically mentioned the T-rex, whose skull cavity and shape were revealed to fit perfectly with the shape and cavities of modern birds, and in a way that may differ with some known types of dinosaurs.

And through this expansion of neurons, the study proved that the T-Rex brain may contain neurons like those in the brains of primates now, especially baboons, except that dinosaurs had giant teeth capable of smashing a person's skull.
The study bears a lot of respect for the extinct dinosaurs and refutes the theories of their extreme stupidity. Rather, it assumes that they could have ruled the world now with their ability to develop nerve cells like those of humans.

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