Amazigh events celebrate the Amazigh year in Spain
Amazigh events celebrate the Amazigh year in Spain 1-443
On January 21, the Amazigh Cultural Association in Rosas and the World Brotherhood Union organized a celebration on the occasion of the Amazigh year 2973, in the city of Rosas, in the midst of an intense pilgrimage to commemorate the memory.
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The artist, Maryam Ajaji, and Ikram Amazigh, participated in the concert, in addition to the artist Abdelkader Aryaf, Johan Nuri, Hisham Atlas, Sufyan Aswan, and Momo Barcelona, in addition to the artist Elias Ahwadari.
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The organizers, by the way, thanked all those who contributed to the success of the artistic ceremony. They also renewed their thanks to each of
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the Municipal Council of the city of Rosas, especially the mayor, Mr. Joan Plana, and the Moroccan consul, Mr. Idris Al-Soussi, and Najat Dariush, a deputy from the Parliament of Catalonia in the D'Esquerra Republicana party, And former Mayor Montse Mindan and the party
Junts per Sí, pere Gotanegra and from the Free Party and writer Leila Karosh.
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