This report that claims to have detected traces of "extraterrestrial civilizations" has mysteriously disappeared
This report that claims to have detected traces of "extraterrestrial civilizations" has mysteriously disappeared 1-194
A Chinese report from analyzes of the giant Sky Eye telescope says it has detected signals emanating from “extraterrestrial civilizations”. But the report has since mysteriously disappeared.
It's a story that could be the synopsis of a movie starring Nicolas Cage. A secret report, an authoritarian country, UFOs , all the ingredients for a good cheap Hollywood film with Da Vinci Code plot sauce. However , it is a real story that we are telling you here!
Are we ready to meet the third kind

What would happen if humanity had the certainty, the irrefutable proof of the existence of another life coming from space? According to many experts, including Dr John Eliot, head of the new post-detection of extraterrestrial life research center at the University of St Andrews, we are not really ready for the encounter of the third kind…
This report that claims to have detected traces of "extraterrestrial civilizations" has mysteriously disappeared 1-195
Scientists at the center fear in particular that we react “like chickens without heads”they testify in the columns of the Guardian . Well that may be what happened in China on June 14, 2022 according to the Science and Technology Daily , an official Chinese bulletin. Indeed, in a report mentioned by the bulletin, the giant Sky Eye telescope would have indeed detected signs of extraterrestrial civilizations…
Traces of extraterrestrial civilizations

The USA Today explains: “several cases of possible technological traces and extraterrestrial civilizations from outside the Earth” would therefore have been detected by researchers at Peking University. In any case, this is what the Chinese report explains. Unfortunately, this report has disappeared . A real thriller we told you!
Chinese authorities have not commented on the report, or its disappearance. But regardless of the veracity or not of the information revealed, some experts assume that it would only be radio interference , therefore requiring further study to corroborate the first signals.

Possible radio interference?
Andrew Jones, specialist in the Chinese space program quotes the expert at the head of the program in a tweet: “The possibility that the suspicious signal is some kind of radio interference is also very high, and it must be confirmed or ruled out. can be a long process ,” Zhang Tongjie, an expert at the head of the China and Civilization Research Group , told Science & Technology Daily .
The Sky Eye is certainly a technological feat but is also very sensitive to radio signals . This is precisely what makes international researchers doubt.
