Excerpts from the national symposium “Amazigh: Reality and Prospects” at the Cultural Complex in Nador
Excerpts from the national symposium “Amazigh: Reality and Prospects” at the Cultural Complex in Nador 1-196
A scientific symposium organized by the “Youth League for Development and Solidarity”, on Saturday evening, approached the topic “Amazigh.. Reality and Prospects” in the exhibition hall of the Cultural Complex in Nador.
The symposium was attended by Amina Ibn Cheikh, Advisor to the Prime Minister in charge of the Amazigh file, Mohamed Mira, researcher in rural cultural heritage, Rachid Rakha, President of the Amazigh World Assembly, Al-Hussein Farhad, University Professor at the Polydisciplinary College of Nador, and Moumen Sheker, University Professor at the same college. .
Excerpts from the national symposium “Amazigh: Reality and Prospects” at the Cultural Complex in Nador 1-197
The symposium, which was moderated by Donia El-Yaqoubi, began with an opening speech by Ashraf Belhyan, President of the Organizing Association, during which he stressed the importance of approaching this issue in conjunction with the Amazigh New Year celebrations.
Belhyan said that this scientific symposium comes in the context of shedding light on this issue, and confirms the extent of awareness currently prevailing about the consecration of the Amazigh identity, culture and language, in addition to the call for approving the opening of the Amazigh year as an official holiday.
Excerpts from the national symposium “Amazigh: Reality and Prospects” at the Cultural Complex in Nador 1--44
The speakers dealt with topics related mainly to the issue of teaching the Amazigh language in public schools and related problems at the theoretical and practical levels, the Amazigh culture and the state's policy in dealing with this issue.
The interventions also dealt with the problem of the Amazigh dialects and the bet on the standardization of a unified language, in addition to the demand to activate the official character of the Amazigh language and to make the opening of the Amazigh year an official national holiday.

At the end of the seminar, the attendees interacted with the topic of discussion by asking a number of questions, comments and suggestions. The symposium came out with a basic recommendation regarding making the Amazigh New Year an official holiday, to be paid for next year.
