Glass spheres discovered on the far side of the Moon
Glass spheres discovered on the far side of the Moon 1-463
Finding glass on the Moon, even on its far side, is hardly surprising. But the spheres discovered by the Chinese Yutu-2 mission are of a rather special type. Larger than those identified so far. And translucent.

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The dark side of the Moon definitely does not stop talking about it at the moment. As an unidentified object prepares to crash into it, researchers at the helm of the Chinese Yutu-2 mission -- the mission that had already pointed to a strange substance almost two years ago and a mysterious cubic shape more recently -- announce that they have discovered two small translucent glass balls there. Spheres with a diameter between 15 and 25 millimeters.
Glass, researchers have already found on the Moon. Glass is formed fromsilicate, amaterialvery present on our satellite. And at high temperatures. Like those that exist at the heart ofvolcanoesor after meteor impacts . But until then, most of the glass spheres found on the Moon had a diameter of less than one millimeter. Even if 40 millimeter balls had been identified by the Apollo 16 mission.
Glass spheres discovered on the far side of the Moon 1-464
Glass spheres to study
These new marbles could have been formed from volcanic glass. Then having been melted again by a meteorite impact. To finish in surprising glassy spheres. A bit like the pebble-sized objects, tektites, which researchers are familiar with on Earth. And according to the researchers, these marbles could even be quite common on the Moon.
They could carry with them information about the history of our satellite. On the composition of soundcoatand the impacts it has suffered. For this, it will be necessary to study its composition. Why not targeting these regions of the far side of the Moon to take some ?samples
