China is the first country to collect samples from the far side of the moon
China is the first country to collect samples from the far side of the moon 1-975
The Chinese probe (Chang'e-6) began its return journey to Earth after a successful mission on the surface of the hidden side of the moon, where it was able to collect samples, according to what the New China News Agency (Xinhua) reported on Tuesday. The probe, which left the moon at (2338 GMT), successfully completed collecting samples on June 2 and 3.
The Chinese probe (Chang'e-6) launched from the far side of the moon to begin its return journey to Earth, as announced Tuesday by the New China News Agency (Xinhua).
The probe's successful departure from the moon means that China is closer to becoming the first country to return samples from the side that cannot be seen from Earth.
China is the first country to collect samples from the far side of the moon 11046
In this regard, the Beijing Daily reported that Chang'e-6 raised the Chinese flag for the first time on the far side of the moon after collecting samples.
Scientists around the world are following the return of lunar samples to Earth, and they hope that the soil collected by the probe will help answer questions such as the origin of the solar system.
Chang'e-6, named after the mythical Chinese moon goddess, launched on May 3 from Hainan Island in southern China. It landed on Sunday in a previously unexplored location in the far part of the moon that does not face the Earth.

The previous Chinese space mission (Chang'e-5) succeeded in collecting samples from the moon from the side facing Earth in December 2020, an achievement that re-stimulated global efforts to bring samples after a long hiatus of 44 years.

Source: websites