Amazigh in the lesson of Moroccan history
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introduction :
The history lesson in the curricula and courses has always been an objective reflection of the balance of politically dominant forces in the process and process of imposing a special and systematic interpretation of historical events and facts for political and ideological goals within the framework of what the Italian thinker Antonio Gramsci called cultural hegemony inherent in political control, as culture, history and memory are essential elements in Political subordination to any system.
In Morocco, the workshops of re-reading and writing history were inherent to every period of democratic breakthroughs and major political transformations of the Moroccan state. The Almoravids tried to exclude the remnants of the Barghawatin by adopting a strict Islamic doctrine based on embodiment and embodiment, and fighting the Shiites and the Sufi Kharijites together, and the Almohads turned against the Almoravid doctrine by adopting monotheism and demolishing all the shrines Sunni extremism and total reliance on the spirit of religion for al-Ghazali .. This course of making and interpreting Moroccan history continued to the present era and it was not surprising, but it was very logical that King Mohammed VI began his reign in the year 1999 by launching the series of fairness and reconciliation, which was history and restoration Memory is at the heart of this historical reconciliation between Moroccans and their true history and the attempt to link the New Testament to a “new” history that must precede it. But has Moroccan taught history corrected what should be corrected, or have gaps, gaps and historical errors remained that are still attached to the study of Moroccan history
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1- The efforts exerted in the path of correcting history in the horizon of reconciliation are important, but not sufficient :
There are considerable efforts made by the Moroccan state and its institutions, especially the Archives of Morocco, which has done a great and founding work in order to collect the archives of Morocco internally and externally. At the head of this institution is a great historian and distinguished auditor, Dr. Jameh Beida, as well as the Royal Institute for Research in the History of Morocco, which performs distinguished and strategic research work for For Moroccan historical writing, which is headed by Dr. Mohamed Kebili, these efforts were important and major in order to correct a group of historical inaccuracies that were attached to the Moroccan historical study. Among the individual efforts that we can count on to establish an independent Moroccan historical school that came with the “new” era, we must mention the work The great and mighty that was done by the doctor and historian Muhammad al-Qibli in his book The State and the Field in the Middle Morocco, in which he touches with great boldness and an unquestionable scientific spirit on the roots of the establishment of the state and society in Morocco, bearing in mind the need to focus on the ancient history of Morocco, that is, before the entry of Islam intoMorocco, and his important book “History of Morocco, Revival and Composition”, which is the fruit of research and studies carried out by a large number of Moroccan historians and researchers and was published by the Royal Institute for Research in the History of Morocco, remains a basic building block of the correction and revision of Moroccan history and one of the greatest books that is inevitable From it to every researcher about the objective and sober history of Morocco, even if history remains relative and historical knowledge is relative and variable according to scientific development and its conquests. The work of Dr. Al-Qibli and a group of researchers falls within the recommendations of the Equity and Reconciliation Commission, which came with an important recommendation related to the need to carry out a gradual review of the content of history programs in our country.Yes, Al-Qibli and his distinguished researchers were able to awaken the flame of scientific historical research by questioning some of the adopted and erroneous axioms and postulates in the history of Morocco, but there is still a lot of work that must be done to fortify the Moroccan historical lesson from subjectivities, moods and ideology, especially since archaeological historical scientific research in particular Many axioms have been refuted about the history of man’s origin and his place of origin, and it is no longer acceptable, at least from today, to ignore the discovery of the oldest skull of Homo sapiens in Jebel Ighoud in Morocco, and what this scientific conquest requires is the need to correct concepts and perceptions that until recently considered the Amazigh peoples as coming from Other regions of the world deny that North Africa is the original home of the Amazighs, and that the recently discovered rock inscriptions in southern Morocco confirmed that Morocco was a region of history and civilization centuries ago, unlike the arrogant, Hegelian colonial view and others that consider the region a region of darkness.Ignorance and that its colonization is justified to prepare it and push it towards civility.
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2- The need to correct the study of the history of Morocco in the light of scientific conquests and concepts is the beginning:
Some Moroccan researchers and others still use the word Amazighs in place of the Amazighs at a time when everyone knows that the word Berbers is a Roman designation given by the Romans to peoples who are incapable of submitting to their empire. They excelled in promoting it without necessary epistemological caution, although it is logical and reasonable to use the term that each people chose for themselves, not the one that was imposed on them. It saddens the soul a lot to read in the writings of the great Moroccan historian Abdallah Laroui, who is from the historical school of historiography, which was supposed to be rational and scientific in defining its term and scrutinizing concepts when he says:
The same thing applies to the continued use of a number of researchers and journalists in the east and west of the earth, the term “Arab Maghreb”, which reflects racism and the undeniable exclusion of an essential component of the components of the Maghreb national identity that unites the Maghreb. Is it also logical and reasonable to shorten a geographical area in North Africa a racial label? Isn't it more useful, useful, and correct to call it the Great Maghreb or North Africa? In the Moroccan historical lesson today, the lessons that deal with the Amazighs and the Amazigh civilization constitute only 02 percent of the total historical lessons prescribed in the Moroccan preparatory secondary school? Because out of 35 lessons, there is an orphan lesson on the Amazigh kingdoms, while ancient and pre-Islamic history does not exist at all in The curriculum of teaching sociology in Moroccan secondary schools, isn't it extreme unfairness and clear historical injustice to exclude the history of the Amazighs, the history of the original people from teaching and attention at the expense of the history of other regions in the world, east and west, is it possible to build a strong national identity without a people who are aware of their history and are proud of their civilization ? Isn't the abbreviation of the history of Morocco in 12 centuries an epiphany of an ancient and prosperous history, in which Morocco was a large and sprawling empire? Isn't concealing the features of the Barghawat kingdom, which lasted for 314 years, distorting the history of its leaders, and insulting them, an unforgivable historical crime? Why is the history of Morocco shortened by the Idrisid emirate without mentioning the emirate of Nkur Saleh? And the Emirate of Sijilmassa and other existing political entities that are an integral part of our common Moroccan and African history? Finally, why focus on the political and military history of Morocco and ignore the economic, social and religious history? Where is the role of the Jews in Moroccan history? Where is the role and place of women in Moroccan history? These are some of the questions posed to the researcher in general and the Moroccan historian in particular, to restore part of the Moroccan historical memory and shed light on dark areas in the history of Morocco.

3- For the sake of sealing:
Historical writing is considered one of the most complex writings due to its electrified and always tense connection to power and its adherence to the subjectivity of knowledge makers. However, rewriting the history of Morocco remains one of the holiest and noblest tasks that deserves effort and sacrifice because it illuminates the way for researchers and the general public to understand their past, take pride in it, and aspire to it with confidence, security and ambition to build Morocco. There are individual attempts from here and there to shed light on forgotten historical epistemological opacities and thresholds. However, conscious institutional collective action remains the way to form a collective historical awareness to resume the workshops of correcting and revising history with its eastern and western distortions.

Anghir Boubacar

Source : websites