Tizi Ouzou The first civil status document in Tamazight issued
Tizi Ouzou The first civil status document in Tamazight issued 1-544
The document, a marriage certificate, formalized the union of a couple from Ath Bouaddou.
The first marriage certificate has just been issued in an official Algerian language, Tamazight. It was issued to a newlywed couple who had just celebrated their union on the occasion of the Amazigh New Year, Yennayer in the commune of Ath Bouadou, daïra de Boghni, about forty kilometers south of the capital of the wilaya of Tizi Ouzou.
Tizi Ouzou The first civil status document in Tamazight issued 1--151
Even if the issue of a marriage certificate at the town hall may seem trivial, he does not deny that the fact that it is written and bears the seal of the Democratic and Popular Algerian Republic represents a very deep symbolism in the minds of citizens. This dream cherished by generations of Algerians thus becomes a concrete reality with a document bearing the official seal of the Algerian Republic and initialed by the President of the Local communal people's assembly. It symbolically consecrates the formalization of a union between two beings for life. The act itself made the rounds of social networks and was widely commented on by citizens who congratulated the two bride and groom and also expressed their joy at seeing this national and official language gradually regaining its place in independent Algeria and beautiful in its diversity. In fact, the municipality of Ath Bouadou located in the daïra of Boghni did not issue this document overnight. This community has just been crowned champion of the competition for the Amazighization of public life launched last year by the People's Assembly of the wilaya of Tizi Ouzou. Road signs, signs of shops and administrations and even transport are now display in Tamazight. An approach to which the citizens have also massively adhered by introducing the Amazigh language into their daily reflexes. The competition has indeed seen the consecration of four communes having admirably led the campaign of Amazighization in public life, namely in first position the commune of Ath Bouadou, Akbil, Imsouhal and Irdjen. The two communities received the prize the day before yesterday in a ceremony organized at the level of the Rabah Aïssat hemicycle of the People's Assembly of the wilaya in a grand celebration. In his speech, the president of the APW, Mohamed Klalèche, for the occasion, assured that the competition which will continue in the years to come will work to make
Tizi Ouzou The first civil status document in Tamazight issued 1-545
the Amazighization of public life a palpable and general reality with the input from all elected officials and citizens. An initiative hailed by many citizens and which is in line with the formalization of Tamazight by the Algerian state. An approach that remains to be reinforced, they add, at the level of the courts. The citizens are unanimous in considering that it is their full right to address the judges of the Algerian courts in Tamazight.


Source: sites Internet