The strangest 5 artifacts found in the tomb of Tutankhamun

A group of the strangest artifacts found in the tomb of Tutankhamun
Tomb 62 (tomb 62) is the greatest tomb found in history, and why not. It is the tomb of one of the most famous kings of ancient Egypt, King Tutankhamun, and his inauguration as king at an early age as one of the youngest and most famous kings of the world, in addition to the mystery that arises about how the king died, as well as the connection of the tomb With the curse of the Pharaohs, and why not, and it was inscribed on its walls that death would strike with its wings anyone who tries to disturb the king.
Tomb 62 was found in its full elegance and all its contents without damage or loss, and the luster of gold was shining everywhere, as described by the discoverer of the tomb, Howard Carter, when taking the first look at the tomb.
Nearly a hundred years ago, British Egyptologist Howard Carter was responsible for finding one of the greatest archaeological discoveries of the last century: the tomb of Pharaoh Tutankhamun in Egypt's Valley of the Kings.
In fact, the cemetery was crowded with artifacts, collectibles, and items belonging to the king that he might need in his afterlife, as he believed. The cemetery contained thousands of rare and unique artifacts, which indicate the nobility of the Egyptian civilization.
We have selected 5 strange and unique artifacts that were discovered in the tomb of Tutankhamun.
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Tutankhamun, tomb 62
It is worth noting that among the many wonderful and numerous gold gems and pieces in the tomb of Tutankhamun, the researchers found many precious stones, and one of them drew attention, which is the one known as the breast shield.
It is a large necklace consisting of a falcon symbolizing the god Horus, one of the greatest protectors of the Egyptian kings. The most impressive was the jewel made of lapis lazuli, which represented the scarab, which was considered sacred in ancient Egypt.
The beetle or scarab represents the Egyptian god Khepri, responsible for rebirth.
1- Tutankhamun’s necklace:
The necklace of King Tutankhamun was one of the most important and unique possessions of King Tutankhamun, which was found and the most unusual, but the necklace of Tutankhamun baffled scholars not only because of the beauty of the necklace and the accuracy of its design,
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Tutankhamun necklace
But also because of the yellow scarab that mediates the necklace of King Tutankhamun, adding to it a distinctive appearance. It is strange that the scarab is made of yellow glass that forms at a temperature of 10 thousand degrees Celsius, meaning that it does not form except in the case of a nuclear explosion or a cosmic explosion and that it is likely that the Egyptians The ancients obtained it from a cosmic explosion that occurred, which resulted from the collision of a huge ball of fire with the earth's atmosphere, and when it touched the earth, the silica melted into the sand and turned into a layer of glass, and this glass was only used to make the jewelry of kings without other princes or even the sons of kings.
2- Golden sandals and toes:
The tomb of Tutankhamun contained amazing things that the king may have used during his life and that he would use them, according to belief, during the next life, and therefore they were placed with him in his tomb.
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Tutankhamun gold sandals
Where he found inside the tomb of the boy pharaoh, sandals made of pure gold, which had a funerary purpose but he must have worn them before his death.
As for after his death, the mummy wore a kind of finger covering on his fingertips, which helped preserve the shape of Tutankhamun's limbs even hundreds of years after his death. All of this is made of gold, of course, so that it can last "forever."
3- Games:
Since the belief is that the Pharaoh will have an afterlife, nothing is truer than leaving him with important things in his tomb, he has already found food, clothes, weapons and all sorts of things he might need - but he will also need to have some fun.
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senet game
As many games were found along with the sarcophagus and one of them was very popular at the time. Known as synet.
Senet is a board game set in ancient Egypt. It is one of the oldest known board games. Tutankhamun had four senets in his tomb to play with forever.
4- A musical instrument:
Tutankhamun's tomb contained almost everything that was placed with the king's mummy, including a portable musical instrument called the sistrum.
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It was presumably played during the ritual burial of Tutankhamun, possibly by Ankasinemun, one of his wives, because the instrument was played mostly by women.
El-Awady explains that the sistrum had much more value than the musical one, as it is considered the favorite instrument of Hathor, one of the most beloved deities in ancient Egypt. The researcher says that "it was believed that the shrill sound they made brought the body back to life."
5- Boomerang:
According to Tarek El-Awady, curator of the exhibition Tutankhamun: Treasures of the Golden Pharaoh, many boomerangs were found inside Tut's tomb, of course the ones that when launched returned to the starting point.
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Although it may seem strange to have this thing inside the tomb, the expert explains: "Boomering has been used at least since the Old Kingdom, hundreds of years before Tutankhamun, and the most famous use of it was launching it from a boat in the swamps of the delta to hunt birds."
Boomerangs are those twisted pieces of wood that bounce back to their firing point.

Source: websites