Exposing the lies of Khader bin Kulah and the lie of Sheshnaq, whose origin and name are from the East
Exposing the lies of Khader bin Kulah and the lie of Sheshnaq, whose origin and name are from the East 11785
The lying liar, Lakhdar Ben Kolah, published an article on January 4, 2023 on his Facebook, in which he stated that Sheshnaq, the Amazigh king, was originally from the East.
Exposing the lies of Khader bin Kulah and the lie of Sheshnaq, whose origin and name are from the East 1-630
Bin Koula and his ilk are among the Arabized nationalists, the agents of the outside, the advocates of the Levant, or the beggars of the Levantine lineage, the most false creation of God.
?Incendiary coming out of the East
Orientation, in my opinion, is closeness to heat, asceticism means drought and drought. Isn't the easterning and Arabization the proximity to ignorance, closeness to stupidity
Professor Marc Van De Mieroop The second version of his book is entitled “ History of the ancient Near East. ”And Ben Kulah claimed that the researcher or the book confirms on page 199 the designation “Shishnaq” that basically symbolizes the deity worshiped in the city of “Shusa / SUSA” .In the kingdom of Elam / Elam
And as usual, Ben Coola provides a link to books whose content cannot be accessed except after paying a price on those sites, of course, and this is a malicious trick so that the followers cannot verify the validity of his words and the fact that the information he publishes exists. Here is the link to the book that Ben Coola published in his article from Amazon bookstore
A History of the Ancient Near East ca. 3000 - 323 BC,3 rd Edition
by Marc Van De Mieroop (Author)
In response to this stupid lie and to the persistence in deceiving references and books and exploiting the similarity of names by the liar and the liar, we tell you that the reference and page 199 of the book never mentioned the name of the Berber king Sheshnaq of the Libu tribe in northwest Africa who controlled Egypt and the countries of Mesopotamia in about 950 BC and not before this date, while the reference that the liar Ben Kulah spoke about is talking about events that took place around 1150 BC and originally it was talking about King Shutruk Nahunt’s invasion of Babylonia and about their worship of a god whose name was Inshuchinak and not that of Sheshnaq as evidenced Bin Coola
Shishnaq or Shishonq, the Amazigh king, his name is written in ancient Egyptian antiquities and academic references. Thus, Schechong, and for this reason there is no temporal or spatial relationship, nor in terms of origins, nor in terms of naming Shishonq, the Berber king from Libu, with the gods Inshuchinak . In the land of Elam in Mesopotamia, this is just a distant similarity in the pronunciation of names that Mudallis Ibn Kulah exploits.
Also, the reference did not speak, neither from afar, nor from a relative, about the Berber king Sheshnaq or Sheshonq, because he appeared in 950 BC, and his Libyan Berber origins were mentioned in Egyptian antiquities, as shown later in this article.
And those events that Bin Kulah spoke about took place in 1150 BC, a time when Shishnaq the Amazigh was not present, and this is the fatal mistake that Bin Kulah hides from you through the policy of making his followers humiliate and concealing that part of the document that shows that these events took place 200 years before the appearance of Shishonq King Amazigh
Here is a picture of the same page or document No. 9.2 that was published by Ben Kulah from the third edition of the book, page 199, which is the same as page 188 of the second edition of the same book, which shows that these events took place in the year 1150 BC, not the year 950 BC
The book was printed as a series several times after it ran out, but it still contained the same content with a difference in the numbering of the pages only
Exposing the lies of Khader bin Kulah and the lie of Sheshnaq, whose origin and name are from the East 1-631
Here is a direct link to the page of the book
A History of the Ancient Near East ca. 3000 - 323 BC, 2nd Edition 2nd Edition
And in order to put an end to the existing confusion and the bankal lies about the origin of the Libyan Amazigh king, Shishnaq or Shishonq
Shishong the first lineage
The lineage of Pharaoh Sheshonq is traced back to the painting of Hor Basin now preserved in the Louvre Museum, which was erected by his grandson Hor Basin bin Hametah bin Hur Basin bin Hamptah bin Wuz Ptah Ankh bin Osorkon II bin Takelot I bin Osorkon I bin Pharaoh Sheshonq, which he erected in the thirty-seventh year of Sheshonq’s rule. Fourth, on the occasion of the burial of the calf, Apis, that his lineage and that of his supreme grandfather, the Pharaoh Sheshang, are from the Meshwesh, and they are tribes from the Libo
"Hor Basin" painting
The "Horr Basin" painting - whose translation and commentary we will provide here - is the most important document we talked about the origin of the kings of the Twenty-Second Dynasty, and this painting is now preserved in the Louvre Museum in Paris, Louvre No. 278
Refer to the Egyptian Archeology book Agist Mariat, and he is considered the largest researcher and discoverer of the Egyptian pharaonic antiquities and the most important translator of hieroglyphic writing. He explained in his book the ancient Egyptian writing that spoke about the Libyan origin of the Berber king Shishonq from the tribe of the confused, and he is the reference that we will rely on to show the origins of the Berber Shishonq
Mariette Le Serapeun Memphis III
To view the book from the following link https://archive.org/details/lesrapumdememph00marigoog/page/n10 As for the painting of Hor Basin, it was found in the “Serpium” (burials of the calf Apis) “in Manf”, and it was erected by “Horr Basin”, the military leader and priest The greatest deity of the god “Harshaf” (Harashavis) of the city of “Ahnasiya al-Madina” in the thirty-seventh year of the rule of Pharaoh “Sheshonq the Fourth”; That is, at the end of the twenty-second dynasty, on the occasion of the burial of the Apis calf.
Picture of the painting Sheshnaq IV on the following link
Exposing the lies of Khader bin Kulah and the lie of Sheshnaq, whose origin and name are from the East 1--266
The first thing that is noticed in the inscriptions of this painting is that it mentions six individuals who lived before “Hor Basin”, who is one of the descendants of the Libyan king Sheshonq, who established it, and this “Hor Basin” lived in the late twenty-second dynasty. In fact, he tells us in the inscriptions of his painting about his ancestors up to the sixteenth generation of his family, descended from the Libyan Al-Mashwish tribe that dominated the Delta and northern Egypt .
And this was confirmed by the antiquities in the Karnak Temple, which mentioned in detail the history and origins of the Libyan king Sheshnaq from the Al-Mushush tribe and its greatest military commander in the Egyptian city of Memphis.
Direct link to view the page
Exposing the lies of Khader bin Kulah and the lie of Sheshnaq, whose origin and name are from the East 1--267
This is an interpretation from researcher Agustin Mariyat, who specializes in translating hieroglyphs For that painting and confirming the Libyan Berber origin of King Sheshnaq from the Al-Mashwish tribe
Exposing the lies of Khader bin Kulah and the lie of Sheshnaq, whose origin and name are from the East 1---135
This is an interpretation of the painting of Hoor Basin, which mentioned the origin of the Libyan Berber King Sheshnaq in the largest encyclopedia of ancient Egyptian antiquities, part nine, and it is available online for free.
Shishonq was the leader of the Meshwish tribes that live west of the Tritonis River in Tunisia, according to the historian Herodotus, and not on the Egyptian-Libyan border, as some claim. They moved gradually from western Tunisia through northern Libya to Egypt and seized the Delta after many wars with the Pharaohs and established inside Egypt after King Ramses III. Independent settlements and an independent army, as previously mentioned, and for this reason it was called the era of the Libyan Pharaonic family
Most historians agree that the Machos are themselves the Mazigs, whom Herodotus mentioned under the name of the Mazis mazyes Because of the ancient Greek accent
The French historian Estefan Ghazal says that the Mashoush are the Mazis whom Herodotus mentioned west of the Triton River called Shatt al-Jerid, which is a salt lake (between Tunisia and Algeria).
Exposing the lies of Khader bin Kulah and the lie of Sheshnaq, whose origin and name are from the East 1----53
Map showing Lake Trenones
Exposing the lies of Khader bin Kulah and the lie of Sheshnaq, whose origin and name are from the East 1----54

Source: websites