Exposing the lie of the Arabs’ lineage to the Phoenicians and their relationship with the Jews
Exposing the lie of the Arabs’ lineage to the Phoenicians and their relationship with the Jews 1-1019
Some Moroccans have misconceptions about the Amazigh history of Morocco and about foreign peoples such as the Phoenicians (ancient Lebanese).
The Arabists are promoting incorrect and false allegations about the “Arabism of the Phoenicians” (fake, of course) as a desperate, indirect attempt by the Arabists to deny the national Amazigh identity and to Arabize North Africa at any cost and by any means.
The Arabists are trying to Arabize the Phoenicians and attribute their language, ethnicity, land, and civilization to the Arabs by manipulating facts and words and attaching what is not appropriate to attach. The goal of Arabizing the Phoenicians is to Arabize Morocco, Tunisia, Algeria, and the Amazigh world, to which some Phoenician merchants immigrated in the past (just as they also immigrated to Spain and elsewhere).
However, the truth that will surprise many Moroccans and will shock Arabists more and harshly is that the Canaanite Phoenicians are a twin brother people to the Canaanite Jews/Hebrews, linguistically, ethnically, and geographically.
In other words: the Phoenicians and Jews are two authentic parts of the Canaanite people and the land of Canaan (Lebanon + Israel / Palestine).
Linguistic experts today confirm that the Phoenician language and the Hebrew language are two dialects of the same Canaanite language or two almost identical branches of the Canaanite language.
Experts on the history of that region confirm that “historical Israel” (the ancient Jewish/Hebrew emirates and states) is part of the “Canaanite civilization,” exactly as the “Phoenician emirates and states” in Lebanon are also part of the “Canaanite civilization.” So the Jews are Canaanites and the Phoenicians are Canaanites.
- See pages 13 to 16 in the book Canaanites written in English by Jonathan N. Tubb, University of Oklahoma Press, 1998.
- Also see pages No. 237 to 239 in the book Who were the Phoenicians by researcher Nissim R. Ganor, published in 2009.
- See also pages 6, 7, and 19 to 22 of the book The Early History of God by researcher Mark S. Smith, second edition in 2002.
Exposing the lie of the Arabs’ lineage to the Phoenicians and their relationship with the Jews 0-14
So, whoever claims that the Phoenicians are Arabs must accept that the Jews/Hebrews/Children of Israel are Arabs. Whoever claims that Phoenician is an Arabic language must accept that Hebrew is an Arabic language.
The real goal of the Arabists in trying to Arabize the Phoenicians is to pass on the false idea that the ancient Phoenicians who came from Lebanon as merchants and sailors to some coasts of the ancient Amazigh world are nothing but “ancient Arabs.” With this false claim, the Arabists want to say that the Amazigh/Moroccans are descended from these “ancient Arabs”! Or that some of the ancient cities that the Phoenicians founded, visited, traded with, or settled in, such as Carthage in Tunisia, are “Arab”! Or that the Arab presence in the Amazigh world is as old as the Phoenicians!
The truth is that this is not the case at all. The Phoenicians are not Arabs at all, but rather they are Canaanites, brothers of the Canaanite Hebrew Jews as well. The Phoenician (Canaanite) language is not Arabic at all, but rather the Phoenician language is a Canaanite language, sister to Canaanite Hebrew. Or almost identical to Canaanite Hebrew. These facts completely demolish the lies of the Arabists.
The Phoenician (Canaanite) language became extinct in Lebanon a long time ago and was replaced by Aramaic/Syriac, and later Arabic came with Islam. As for the Hebrew language (also Canaanite), it became extinct orally in Israel/Palestine centuries ago, but it remained preserved in writing by the Jews in the Torah and other religious books (the Jewish Torah was initially written in the Phoenician script, then the Jews abandoned it in favor of the Aramaic script, which they use until now to write Hebrew).
The change in the language of Lebanon from ancient Phoenician (Canaanite) to Syriac (in the Christian period) and then to Arabic (in the Islamic period) is merely a linguistic change and does not mean that Phoenician-Canaanite Lebanon is retroactively Arabic.
“Retrospective Arabization” (reverse Arabization from now to ancient times) It is one of the childish, conquest techniques adopted by the Arabs to plunder the history and civilizations of ancient peoples such as the Phoenicians, Himyarites (Yemenis), Copts, and Amazighs in order to include them in the stock of the Arabs and the property of the Arabs.
As for the Jewish/Hebrew people (who are a Canaanite people, brother to the Canaanite Phoenicians), the Arabists do not want to Arabize them and do not claim that they are Arab at all. Why? Because there is an ancient, deep-rooted religious enmity between Muslim Arabs and Hebrews/Jews that prevents Arabists today from claiming that Jews/Hebrews (Canaanites) are Arabs. Indeed, the Arabists are very keen to distance the Jews from Arabism and are keen to draw a very thick dividing wall between the Jewish/Hebrew identity and the Arab identity. The Jews/Hebrews are the only people that the Arabists refuse to Arabize.
Of course, the Arabization of the Canaanites (Phoenicians + Jews) automatically means that the State of Israel (which they call the “Hebrew State”) is an Arab state and an Arab country, exactly as the Arabists claim that Lebanon is an Arab state and an Arab country. Converting the Canaanites into Arabs will also mean that there is no “Israeli occupation” today and no “Israeli settlement.” Everyone is Arab, right?!
So, according to this comprehensive Arab perspective, the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is merely an Arab-Arab conflict between “Arab Israel” and “Arab Palestine” and between “Arab Jews” and “Arab Palestinians.” Since the Arabists claim that the Canaanites are Arabs (and therefore: that the Phoenicians and Jews are Arabs), the Arabists must immediately accept that the Zionist Jewish national movement is also a branch of the Arab nationalist movement! With this comprehensive Arabization practiced by the Arabists, the theory of the “Israeli occupation of Palestine” collapses and the theory of the “Judaization of Jerusalem” collapses. Since the Arabists claim that the Canaanites are Arabs (meaning that the Phoenicians and Jews are Arabs), there is no “Judaization of Jerusalem” and there is no “Zionist occupation.” Rather, it is merely a “new Arabization of Jerusalem” at the hands of the Arab Israeli Jews, descendants of the Canaanite Arabs. According to this Arab perspective.
As you notice, the Arabization of the Canaanite peoples, when we examine it with the technique of “follow the liar to the door of the house,” hits the Arabists dead and hits Arab nationalism (imperial expansionism) dead.
How do the Arabists get out of this predicament they have put themselves in? The solution is simple: verbal evasions, misleading people, distracting attention, and double standards. The Arabists say that “the Canaanite Phoenicians are Arabs” and at the same time ignore the Jews (who are also Canaanites). The Arabists pretend that they do not know that the Jews are also Canaanites, like the Phoenicians/Lebanese. The Arabists apply the ostrich technique: burying the head in the sand. That is, they remain silent about the embarrassing topic, which is: the Canaanism of the Jews is equal to the Canaanism of the Lebanese Phoenicians.
Exposing the lie of the Arabs’ lineage to the Phoenicians and their relationship with the Jews 1-1020
So to sum up, these are the solid facts about the Phoenicians:
1- The Phoenicians are not Arabs.
2- Arabs are not Phoenicians.
3 - The Jews/Hebrews are a twin brother people to the Phoenicians linguistically, ethnically, geographically and historically.
4 - The Jewish/Hebrew and Phoenician peoples are two Canaanite peoples with the same Canaanite origin.
5 - The Land of Canaan is roughly what we call it today: Lebanon + Israel/Palestine.
6 - The land of Canaan is not Arab, and the Canaanite tribes are not Arab.
7 - The Canaanite languages and Canaanite dialects (Phoenician, Hebrew, Ammonite, Moabite, Edomite, etc.) are not Arabic and are not derived from Arabic and Arabic is not derived from it.
8 - Whoever claims that the Phoenicians are Arabs must automatically accept that the Jews are Arabs, that the Hebrews are Arabs, that Israel is Arab, and that the children of Israel are Arabs.
(Readers should note that the word “Jews” has two overlapping meanings: the first meaning is the inhabitants of the region of “Judea” or the ancient “Kingdom of Judea” currently called the “West Bank.” The second meaning is those belonging to the “Judaism” religion.)
Arabists usually Arabize any ancient or new civilization they like with the stroke of a pen on the basis of the introduction of the Arabic language or the introduction of Islam to a specific country. For example, if the Arabic language spreads in China in 2019, the Arabists will say: Chinese civilization has been Arabic since ancient times, and the city of Beijing is one of the ancient Arab cities! They will also say: The Chinese people have been Arab since ancient times, and they are an integral part of the Arab peoples. The evidence is that the Chinese now speak Arabic! (This is “retroactive Arabization” that Arabizes an ancient people in the past in a reverse way.)
The Arabists are also trying to Arabize the Coptic civilization and the Coptic pyramids by attributing them to the Arabs or to an imaginary people they call “Arabs” or to an imaginary language they call “the Arab language.” The truth is that the Copts are not Arabs, and the Coptic language is neither Arabic nor “Arab” and is not even Semitic. Rather, the ancient Coptic language, the Egyptian language, is an independent and self-contained branch of the Afro-Asian languages. Likewise, Tamaziɣt is another independent, stand-alone branch of the Afro-Asian languages.
The Arabists are also trying to Arabize the Himyarites (Yemenis). See my previous article entitled “Yemen is not an Arab country, but rather a Himyarite-Mahri country,” in which I provided some information about the Yemeni Himyarite language, Mehri, which is currently still spoken by tens of thousands of Yemenis and Omanis.
The Arabists who are trying to Arabize the Phoenicians (Canaanites) and the Himyarites (Yemenis) do not do so out of love for the civilization of the Phoenicians or the Himyarite civilization or to be close to them. Rather, they do so for the purpose of Arabizing Morocco or Arabizing another country, or they do so for the sake of an Islamic agenda or another political agenda.
This Arab acrobatic daunting movement performed by Arabians consists of 3 basic steps:
1 - Attributing or returning Morocco/the Amazigh world to a distant foreign origin or a distant foreign place.
2 - Rushing to that distant foreign origin or that distant foreign place to Arabize it with the stroke of a pen.
3 - Then they say to you: This is proof that Morocco is Arab!
So, in the case of the Phoenicians, the Arabists do:
1 - Morocco/the Amazigh world attributed its people, language and civilization to the Phoenicians in Lebanon.
2 - Rushing to the land of the Phoenicians (Lebanon) to Arabize it with the stroke of a pen by claiming that the Phoenicians are Arabs.
3 - Then they come to you and say: See?! Morocco is Arab!
The same is true in the case of the Himyarites (Yemenis), where the Arabists do:
1 - Morocco/the Amazigh world attributed its people, language, and civilization to the Himyarites in Yemen.
2 - Rushing to the country of the Himyarites (Yemen) to Arabize it with the stroke of a pen by claiming that the Yemenis are Arabs.
3 - Then they come to you and say: Didn’t we tell you that Morocco is Arab?!
What is happening is that the Arabists are busy day and night burying the identity, language and civilization of the Amazigh Morocco in one of the deserts of Asia, the jungles of Africa, or the jungles of Europe in order to prove that Morocco/the Amazigh world is merely a son of foreigners, sired by foreigners and dependent on foreigners.
Exposing the lie of the Arabs’ lineage to the Phoenicians and their relationship with the Jews 11095
The Arabists do not like the idea that Morocco is authentically Amazigh, that it grew up in North Africa and developed its Amazigh language, its Amazigh civilization, and its Amazigh countries there itself. The main concern of the Arabists is to always search for the Amazigh Morocco for an “Arab father,” “Arab guardian,” “Arab origin,” or “Arab lineage” in one of the unknown continents and distant deserts.
Why do Arabs perform these acrobatic movements? Because they simply feel that they are foreigners in the Amazigh Morocco, they do not feel comfortable except when they make the Amazigh Morocco a foreign country, born of foreigners.

About: Mubarak Belkacem

Source: websites