Discover Secret Passages In The Great Wall Of China
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Chinese archaeologists have discovered more than 130 secret passages in the Great Wall of China.
And the Chinese agency “Xinhua” indicates that scientists were able to discover more than 130 secret passages during their study of high-resolution images of the Great Wall of China, one of the wonders of the world, with a resolution of up to one centimeter.
Subsequent analysis of the images and a visit to the locations of the gates of these passages showed that each secret passage was designed to blend in well with the surrounding local topography.

But what is the purpose of establishing these secret passages in the wall, which is considered a defensive fortress? Scientists believe that these passages were intended for the passage of men of exploration and reconnaissance. Some of them were intended for communication between the internal and external parts of the Great Wall. And that some of the gates were used in the past for trade.
According to some official documents dating back to the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644), nomadic tribes were allowed to use these passes to transport animals between Qinghai in northwest China and Hetao, which was rich in water and grass at that time.
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One of the discovered portals
And what confirms this is that some secret gates accommodate the passage of two horses easily in each direction at the same time.
Professor Zhang Yucun, head of the research team, says: "All this helps us prove that the Great Wall was not completely closed, but was 'open' according to a specific system." This will also help us understand how the Great Wall of China worked. The research team discovered the exits of these passages from the other side of the wall.
It should be noted that the Great Wall of China, which is more than 20,000 km long, is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and consists of a number of interconnected walls.

Source : websites