Discover a secret forest inside a huge hole in China
Discover a secret forest inside a huge hole in China 1-123
A secret forest discovered inside a huge crater in China. Photo courtesy of Pexels by Zhang Kaiyv
A team of scientists discovered the oldest forests located in China at a depth of more than 600 feet below the surface inside a huge hole, during their trip to explore caves in May 2022, and this phenomenon is known in China as 'tiankeng' or heavenly pits.
The huge hole has been excavated in the Guangxi region, southwest China, where the UNESCO Li Fengshan Global Geopark is located. .

Discover the primeval forest
According to what was mentioned on the website, scientists and researchers expected that this forest would be home to certain types of plants and animals that had not been seen and discovered before, and according to the official report issued by the Chinese News Agency, the new discovery is the 30th of its kind in the world. interrupt.
Zhang Yuanhai, chief engineer of the Institute of Karst Geology under the China Geological Survey, said that the site where the primeval forest was discovered is well preserved at the bottom and has 3 caves in its walls.
Discover a secret forest inside a huge hole in China 1-750
features of the forest
Regarding the description of the forest that was found, the scientists concluded that the length of the hole that embraces that forest is about 306 meters, its width is 150 meters, and its depth is 192 meters. As for its volume, it is more than 5 million cubic meters, so it was classified as a relatively large hole.
Once you step into the forest, you will find that the shade plants reach one's shoulder, and the height of the old trees is about 40 meters, according to Chen Lixin, the leader of the Guangxi Cave Expedition Team. It is worth noting that it took scientists hours to reach the bottom of the hole, and at first sight it was It was discovered that Al-Haditha is made of limestone, and scientists believe that the reason for the appearance of these gaps is that it results from the decomposition of the basic rocks by groundwater, although the researchers described the forest as "imaginary".

The strange thing is that the reason for the growth of the forest in the way it appeared is because the giant hole allowed the sun's rays to pass in a way that helped restore the life of the forest.

Source: websites