Oldest paved road in history

In one of the most important discoveries in the world, what can be described as the oldest paved road in history, the oldest paved road in human history, the road exceeds 5,000 years old, Wadan Al Faras Road is considered the oldest road paved by man and paved for use in transportation.
?Where is the oldest paved road in human history located
The oldest human-paved road in history is located in Egypt, specifically in the city of Fayoum, which is one of the oldest cities in history and is one of the most important world heritage sites due to the presence of Wadi Al-Hitan, the largest whale excavation site in the world. The road, despite the passage of hundreds of years, still has about 2 kilometers left of it meters in order to remain a witness to the greatness of the ancient Egyptians and their architectural and engineering creativity, confirming that every beginning has always been from this land and that history began from here and that it is truly the oldest central civilization in the world.
The road was built by the ancient Egyptians during the era of the pyramid builders, and it was paved with stones, whether it was sandstone or limestone, and emphasizing the genius of thinking in light of the lack of capabilities. On both sides of the road, bars made of wooden blocks were built to facilitate the transportation of blocks of stones on it by means of skis or sleds on which the stones are transported. .
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Oldest paved road
The length of the road, which is definitely one of the oldest roads in history, is about 12,000 meters. It starts from a basalt quarry in the north of Fayoum and ends at a pier located on Lake Qarun.
The aim of constructing a long road of this size was to use it to transport basalt stones from the quarry to ships in Lake Qarun, and then the ships would start transporting stones for use in building pyramids and temples.
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Wadan Al Faras Road is the oldest paved road in the world
The road (Waddan Al-Faras) in the northern Fayoum desert dates back to the era of the beginning of the Fourth Dynasty, the age of the pyramid builders, Kings Snefru and Khufu, about 4,600 years ago.

Source: websites