The background of a professor's follow-up due to the writing of the Amazigh name of the city of Waqula by Ibn Khaldun
The background of a professor's follow-up due to the writing of the Amazigh name of the city of Waqula by Ibn Khaldun 1-763
A history exam set by a professor in the state of Ghardaia sparked a sensation in Algeria and on social media because he mentioned the name of the Amazigh Ghardaia “Tegardait” and based it on what Ibn Khaldoun said about the Bani Hilal tribes that came to the Great Maghreb during the Almohad era in the history exam.
And the Directorate of Education in the state of Ghardaia announced that as a result of what was issued by the individual act of the professor of history and geography at the school of the late Mujahid, Allama Mouloud Qasim Berian, and what was mentioned in the subject of the achievement evaluation in the subject of history and geography for the second year average, measures were taken against the professor, including the precautionary arrest of the subject professor, and the referral of the case To the judiciary, with the referral of the rest of those responsible for that (the director of the institution) to a disciplinary board.
The background of a professor's follow-up due to the writing of the Amazigh name of the city of Waqula by Ibn Khaldun 1-764
It is noteworthy that the Amazighs in the state of Ghardaïa, Algeria, have been suffering for years from the persecution of the Algerian regime, which launched a campaign of violence and repression against them, in which it sought the help of masked militias. Dozens of them were arrested, and a number of them died while they were arbitrarily detained in prison, as is the case with the well-known Amazigh human rights activist Kamal Eddin Fakhar.
Faced with the campaign of military repression of the Amazighs of Ghardaia, many of them were forced to flee abroad and seek political asylum in other countries.
The background of a professor's follow-up due to the writing of the Amazigh name of the city of Waqula by Ibn Khaldun 1-765
The Algerian regime continues to arbitrarily detain Amazigh human rights activists and activists in various regions of Algeria, including the President of the Amazigh World Congress, Kamira Night Said, who was recently sentenced to five years in prison on political charges that the Algerian regime used to fabricate against Amazigh activists, jurists and opposition journalists.
The background of a professor's follow-up due to the writing of the Amazigh name of the city of Waqula by Ibn Khaldun 10111
To respond to this event, I declare that the name of the city is “Taghradait” and not Ghardaia, which was deliberately Arabized. Arabization is a barbaric act that is practiced only by rabble who know nothing about humanity and do not understand anything in linguistics.. Their goal is to change God’s creation by force of the Creator with religious justification
With regard to what Ibn Khaldun said on the authority of Bani Sulaym and Bani Hilal:
- Ibn Khaldun says in the Book of Lessons, part one - 8 of 258: And Morocco, when the Banu Hilal crossed over to it from the beginning of the fifth century and practiced it for three hundred and fifty years, it joined it and its paths returned to ruins, all of it, after the whole of what was between Sudan and the Rumi Sea was built up. Urbanization includes monuments, building statues, and evidence of villages and schools.
And the Iraqi sociologist, Dr. Ali Al-Wardi, says: Before the attack of Bani Hilal, the countries of Morocco were full of good things, and trade and industry were flourishing in them. Then, after the attack, it turned into a land where corruption and devastation are common. And the ruin remained visible in Morocco for a long time. Among the evidences for that is what Abdallah al-Tijani, the Tunisian traveler who toured Tunisia and Libya in the early eighth century, tells us, when he said in the context of his talk about the city of Sfax: It used to have orchards and an olive forest adjacent to its wall, but the Arabs of Banu Hilal destroyed it and did not It now has an existing tree.
The background of a professor's follow-up due to the writing of the Amazigh name of the city of Waqula by Ibn Khaldun 1--341
We conclude that what the professor came with are absolute facts that cannot be denied, and historical events impose on us objectivity and integrity and strip us of our emotions and whims.
The background of a professor's follow-up due to the writing of the Amazigh name of the city of Waqula by Ibn Khaldun 1--342
Whether you like it or not, the Arabish are a savage people throughout the ages. They lived and are still living in pre-Islamic tribalism, feeding on reckless fanaticism and blind racism. The Arabushi does not care about religion as much as his tribe does, but his daily interests are limited to satisfying the desires of the stomach and the vagina. In short, he is closer to an animal.

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