Submitted it to Minister Benmoussa... This is the memorandum of the Tamghrabit conglomerate regarding workshops for teaching the Amazigh language and ways to promote it
Submitted it to Minister Benmoussa... This is the memorandum of the Tamghrabit conglomerate regarding workshops for teaching the Amazigh language and ways to promote it 1---168
The Minister of National Education and Primary Education and the slogan of the Tammaghribite conglomerate for citizenship gatherings
The Tamghrabit bloc of Citizen Gatherings had previously called on the current government to break with what was in practice in the management of workshops teaching the Amazigh language over the last ten years, and to complete a comprehensive examination of this measure in order to find out the points of imbalance, mismanagement and pockets of resistance to teaching the Amazigh language, in order to take The necessary measures for the success of this strategic national workshop. And since Dar Luqman is still the same, Tada Tamghrabit has prepared a comprehensive memorandum on teaching the Amazigh language, the best teachers of the Amazigh language contributed to its crystallization; A memorandum developed by the Tamgrabit conglomerate in the hands of the Minister of National Education, Primary Education and Sports.
The following is the full text of the memorandum of Tada Tamghrabit regarding the status of Amazigh language teaching workshops:
Submitted it to Minister Benmoussa... This is the memorandum of the Tamghrabit conglomerate regarding workshops for teaching the Amazigh language and ways to promote it 1-783
The Honorable Minister of National Education, Primary Education and Sports,
Peace, and yet
The Tamghrabit Congregation for Citizenship Gatherings, known as "Tada Tamghrabit", followed with great interest the state of the Amazigh language in the educational system during the first year of your appointment at the head of the Ministry of National Education, Primary Education and Sports, especially since the promotion of cultural and linguistic justice is among the commitments we expect from The government fulfilled them in the framework of workshops to activate the official character of Amazigh.
We regret, Mr. Minister, to inform you that the teaching of Tamazight suffers from a number of problems and structural obstacles, among which in particular is the absence of a sectoral plan of action for the Ministry of National Education, Primary Education and Sports, which includes modalities and stages of integrating Tamazight into the educational system, and is in line with the requirements of Organic Law 26.16 related to defining The stages of activating the official character of Amazigh and the modalities of its integration in the field of education and in the priority areas of public life, a scheme that takes into account the dates and deadlines stipulated in Articles 31 and 32 of the aforementioned organic law.
Submitted it to Minister Benmoussa... This is the memorandum of the Tamghrabit conglomerate regarding workshops for teaching the Amazigh language and ways to promote it 1-784
The Honorable Minister of National Education, Primary Education and Sports,
Our great hope was that the Amazigh teaching workshops would receive the attention they deserve, and that Moroccans would celebrate the International Mother Language Day this year, without being trapped by the nightmare of the possibility of the extinction of the Amazigh language. However, unfortunately, we note that the reform projects of the educational system do not take into account the pivotal role that the constitutional legislator has assigned to the workshops for integrating Amazigh into education, as an essential entry point for activating the constitutional affirmation that Amazigh is a common asset among Moroccans without exception, and that is the principle affirmed by His Majesty. King Mohammed VI in 2001, before it was stipulated in the constitutional document in 2011.
For this reason, we are writing to you, Mr. Minister, as a civil organization that has taken upon itself to contribute to the advancement of the elements of Tamghrabit and its Amazigh core, to put in your hands a set of proposals, which are originally the fruit of a participatory work between our conglomerate and a few of the best teachers of the Amazigh language; Proposals that can contribute to demonstrating the obstacles to the real integration of Amazigh into the educational system, in respect of the requirements of Organizational Law 16-26 related to defining the stages of activating the official character of Amazigh and the modalities of its integration in the field of education and in the priority areas of public life.
Submitted it to Minister Benmoussa... This is the memorandum of the Tamghrabit conglomerate regarding workshops for teaching the Amazigh language and ways to promote it 1--354
Our suggestions:
1- Developing a sectoral action plan for the Ministry of National Education, Primary Education and Sports, which includes the modalities and stages of integrating the Amazigh language, in line with the requirements of Organizational Law 26.16 related to defining the stages of activating the official character of the Amazigh language and the modalities for its integration in the field of education and in the priority areas of public life, and takes into account the dates and deadlines that It was stipulated in Articles 31 and 32 of the aforementioned organic law;
2- Creating administrative structures at the level of the ministry, regional academies, and regional directorates, for efficient and effective management of the Amazigh file, activating its official character and implementing the sectoral action plan, and providing it with the necessary human and financial resources for its work centrally, regionally, and regionally;
3- Updating the digital data and data accumulated by cells/focal points following the teaching of Amazigh centrally, regionally and regionally, regarding the basic and continuing formations in the Amazigh language for the benefit of teachers and teachers of primary education, and working to strengthen them with training courses within the horizon of the actual generalization of this subject, horizontally and vertically, in the primary wire;
4- Establishing and consolidating professors assigned to specialize in teaching the Amazigh language, and returning the assignments withdrawn from many professors and professors in various academies, who spent years teaching this subject, given that the position is given within the educational structure in the various regional directorates (Ref: Ministerial Memorandum 952/12 dated July 19, 2012, which provided for accelerating the pace of integration of the Amazigh language);
5- Increasing the number of employments related to specialization in the teaching of Tamazight, and respecting the requirements framing this process, especially entry 4 of Ministerial Memorandum 952/12 related to the structures of educational institutions in which a professor (s) who specializes in the Amazigh language is appointed, as well as its basic purposes represented in Increasing the number of male and female learners of this subject and disseminating it vertically and horizontally in educational institutions. And in line with the contents of the basic training and field practice, the pre-approved reference framework must be respected in the recruitment competition in the 6- Amazigh specialization, which includes the following areas: the subject of specialization (3 hours / coefficient: 3) and the didactics of the subject of specialization (two hours / coefficient: 1), and the retreat from The current version of the 2022/2023 drawing, which included other subjects far from the basic formation and the tasks of the professor specializing in Tamazight;
7- Finding solutions, as soon as possible, to the problems related to: the settlement of Amazigh classes in the uses of time, classrooms, and textbooks;
8- Inclusion of training in Tamazight in all regional centers of education and training for the benefit of all teachers and teachers of primary education, and strengthening it with other training courses through continuous training, training and educational support through practice, during their appointment in educational institutions;
9- Mainstreaming the Amazigh language in the regional centers of education and training through the competition for promotion and changing the framework, and investing in those who have master’s degrees in the Amazigh language and culture and appointing them to these centers that are known specifically for the teachers of this subject;
10- The need to integrate the Amazigh language into all training centers (regional centers for education and training professions, training centers for inspectors...);
11- Inclusion of Amazigh in the secondary preparatory and secondary habilitation corps, in line with the contents of the integrated government plan to activate the requirements of the organic law to activate the official character of Amazigh, and to respect the deadlines set in accordance with the organic law;
12- Activate the contents of Ministerial Memorandum 4094-2 of November 1, 2012 regarding the teaching of the Amazigh language in private education institutions and make its integration and respect for the time envelope allotted to it compulsory;
Generalizing the events of the Amazigh Studies and Masters Division in all Moroccan universities;
13- Inclusion of the Amazigh language in the educational programs directed to the Moroccan community abroad in order to activate its official character;
14- Revitalizing the legal and legislative arsenal organizing the teaching of the Amazigh language with its current status as an official language, in respect of the requirements of Organizational Law 16.26 to activate its official character. In particular, we mention: Ministerial Memorandum No. 108 of September 1, 2004 on integrating the teaching of the Amazigh language into academic tracks, Ministerial Memorandum No. 130 of September 12, 2006 on organizing the teaching of the Amazigh language and the training of its teachers, Ministerial Memorandum No. 133/07 of October 12, 2007 on the integration of the Amazigh language In academic tracks, Ministerial Memorandum No. 116 of September 26, 2008 on organizing the generalization of teaching the Amazigh language, Ministerial Memorandum No. 094-2 of November 1, 2012 regarding the teaching of the Amazigh language in private education institutions, Ministerial Memorandum No.: 2126-3 of April 24, 2013 on teaching Arabic language and Moroccan culture for the Moroccan community living in European countries.
15- Translating the contents of Articles 31 and 32 of Law Framework No. 17.51 related to the system of education, training and scientific research issued on August 28, 2019, into a project that specifies the stages, measures, procedures, responsibilities and financial cost allocated, similar to the other requirements stipulated in the framework law;
Submitted it to Minister Benmoussa... This is the memorandum of the Tamghrabit conglomerate regarding workshops for teaching the Amazigh language and ways to promote it 1--355
The Honorable Minister of National Education, Primary Education and Sports,
We hope that our memorandum will receive your attention, in order to activate the democratic participation that guarantees the civil actor his right to contribute to the preparation, tracking and evaluation of public policies. We also hope that your ministry will play its pivotal role in activating the official character of the Amazigh language, because the integration of the Amazigh language into the educational system and the generalization of its teaching vertically and horizontally is the basis on which its demarcation is based, without which this demarcation will not exist.
Please accept, Mr. Minister, the assurances of our utmost respect and appreciation.

Tammaghribite conglomerate for citizenship gatherings
About the Executive Office
President: Abdullah Hattous

Source : websites