Finding the “sleeping” Chinese spacecraft on Mars
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The US space agency “NASA” found the Chinese spacecraft “Zurong” on Mars, after months of “hibernation”.
China landed its vehicle on Mars in May 2021, to join NASA in the mission to explore the surface of the Red Planet.
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Since then, Beijing has not provided any updates about the rover, according to the New York Times.
And the recent “NASA” pictures showed “Zurong” while it was stationary in the same place, which made some describe it as a “sleeping vehicle”, which entered a state of “hibernation” several months ago.
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The American newspaper said: “Zurong entered a state of hibernation in May 2022, as planned, to conserve energy with the onset of winter. And last December, the vehicle was supposed to revive when the Martian days became longer and warmer, but it seems that this did not happen.
And she added: “NASA’s Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter passes periodically over the surface of this planet to study it. Her photos showed that Zhurong had not moved from September 2022 to February.
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And David Flannery, a space scientist at the University of Queensland in Australia, said earlier: “It would not be surprising if the rover failed to get out of hibernation because it is powered by solar energy, and there is a long history of rovers that run out of energy on the surface of Mars.” ".

Source : websites Internet