Swiss Newspaper: Aliens Are Closer To Us Than Ever Before
Swiss Newspaper: Aliens Are Closer To Us Than Ever Before 1-832
The Swiss newspaper “Le Temps” said that the famous SETI Institute for the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence has been working since last month to determine the necessary action in the event of discovering life in space, because this possibility, thanks to recent technological developments, has already become available. .
And the newspaper stated, in a report by Virgin Nussbaum, that our meeting with the “blue aliens” depicted in the films is no longer just a wild Hollywood fantasy, as the “Siti” Institute opened a center for post-discovery preparation, based at the University of “St Andrews” in Scotland, to answer the question. “What will humanity do after discovering that we are not alone in the universe?” Accordingly, about 20 experts from all over the globe will be responsible for preparing us for a discovery that may change everything, so will that be soon at the dawn of 2023?
John Elliott, researcher and coordinator of the Post-Discovery Center, says that technological progress in recent decades brings us much closer to that. Then it is time to prepare.”
Swiss Newspaper: Aliens Are Closer To Us Than Ever Before 1-833
Astrophysicist Adam Frank says he is confident that “after 2,500 years of ignorance of this matter, we are finally about to obtain real data,” especially that “around one out of every 5 stars a planet whose conditions are similar to Earth and viable for life revolves, and then it is surprising that we are The only ones in the universe,” especially since the area that has been explored from the sky so far does not exceed the size of a swimming pool compared to the ocean.
And Avi Loeb, former director of the Astronomy Department at Harvard, estimates that our perception that we live alone or even that we deserve attention in such a cosmic immensity means that we sorely lack humility, explaining that “the world is 30 billion years old and we were not born until a few million years ago.” The years, that is, we have reached the end of the play, and therefore it does not revolve around us, and it is better to look for other actors.
This scientific program was launched last year, and it is dedicated to analyzing things that have penetrated our space in the hope of discovering traces of a civilization that was before us or its remains. Therefore, Avi Loeb launched a private company that aims to send thousands of sensors into space to track the traces of potential neighbors.

There could be intelligent life, or simply microbial life, as John Elliot suggests. As for the arrival of combatant visitors, it is very low due to the size of the universe, "because the flight distance to us will take 100,000 light years, and the arrival will be after our presence."

Source : websites