Converting air into electricity... a discovery that may change the future of the planet
Converting air into electricity... a discovery that may change the future of the planet 1-863
Researchers at Monash University in Australia have discovered an enzyme capable of converting air into energy, paving the way for the development of devices to generate electricity from air.
The researchers found that a hydrogen-consuming enzyme from soil bacteria is able to generate an electric current using the atmosphere as an energy source.

The enzyme, called Huc, uses tiny amounts of hydrogen in the air to generate an electric current, according to the study published in the journal Nature.
Laboratory research and electrochemistry technology have proven that "Hawk" creates electricity in precise concentrations, as well as the ease of providing the enzyme itself, as it is the result of common bacteria in the soil that can be cultivated intensively.
In a simplified scientific way, Monash University researcher Chris Greening explained the idea as follows: "Many bacteria depend on hydrogen from the atmosphere as an energy source, so why don't humans use it for the same purpose?"

So the "Hawk enzyme" is like a natural battery that may produce a continuous electrical current, paving the way for opening a sustainable source of clean energy.

Source: websites