Artificial intelligence will change the wars of the future... and this is the most threatening weapon
Artificial intelligence will change the wars of the future... and this is the most threatening weapon 14--26
A retired US admiral noted that artificial intelligence will help the commander in the decision-making process - X
Artificial intelligence is likely to have many repercussions in all fields, especially military ones, which will affect the form of future wars and the weapons used during them. Retired American Admiral James Stavridis said, “Artificial intelligence will change the ways of fighting wars in the future, and will determine the race for geopolitical progress by the middle of the current century.” Speaking to CNN, Stavridis added, “Artificial intelligence will be useful in three things,” indicating that the matter is The first relates to the field of logistics and maintenance, and it will be possible to predict when a certain set of maintenance functions will be needed, and to ensure that spare parts are available, in a more efficient and capable manner. He
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and capable manner. He continued, saying: “We always say in the army that it is the amateurs who talk about strategy, but the professionals They focus on logistics, and that's what wins wars."
He pointed out that the second thing is that artificial intelligence will help the commander in the decision-making process, explaining that “it will have access to every battle that has ever been fought, and it will be able to scan the horizon of history, and whisper in the commander’s ear: You should really think about this.” .
He stated that the third and final matter is related to a weapon whose existence has become a major threat, and with artificial intelligence, its threat will be greater, noting that this weapon is drones, whose current borders we have seen in Ukraine and which they combine in extremely deadly ways.
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He added, "Artificial intelligence will make drones the biggest threat in the middle of the century," according to the retired American admiral's estimate.

Source: websites