The mystery of the crystal skulls, the remains of the lost continent of Atlantis, or aliens
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Thousands of years ago, human beings filled the earth with civilization and nobility, and their traces remained, and what they left for us in terms of heritage, architecture, and rare discoveries witnessed the progress of ancient civilizations, despite the weakness of the capabilities, but many of those discoveries prove that there was a very modern and advanced civilization that existed and many remained. The discoveries are vague and unclear around which ambiguity arises, and despite that, those discoveries remained an invaluable window on a world long ago and paved the way for understanding some of those extraordinary discoveries in history.
Crystal skull puzzle:
The 13 crystal skulls are among the most mysterious pieces of artifacts. Skulls have been one of the most powerful and perfect symbolic items in human history.
crystal skulls
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About 8 strange crystal skulls were discovered in the world, and according to the Mayan civilization there are 13 crystal skulls, and the exciting and amazing thing about that is that these skulls are estimated to be about 12,000 years old, and there are those estimated to be more than 30,000 thousand years old, and it is believed that this age is older than the existence of our humanity .
Archaeologists were told by the locals that the skulls possessed magical powers and healing properties. However, people were not sure where they came from, or even why they were made. Some like to think that they are artifacts left over from the civilization of Atlantis. Others think they are fake and just a lie. And another group of mediators believes that these skulls have the ability to look into the past, present and future, while others believe that they were made with the help of aliens.

There is an ancient Indian legend that says that there were thirteen crystal skulls of the goddess of death; They were kept apart from one another under the strict control of priests and specialized warriors.
These skulls were discovered in separate places around the world, between Mexico and South and Central America. And this is not only strange, but strange is how to carve those skulls in this distinctive way, which proves the existence of civilizations of the pinnacle of superiority and technological progress before us.
In addition, scientists did not find the actual method through which these skulls were carved and made, despite the technological development that we have reached now.

It is believed that these skulls were manufactured in a way that is contrary to the natural formation of crystal atoms. In our current era, we cut the crystal in a way that is parallel to the atoms of the crystal, and that the cutting in a manner opposite to the atoms leads to the fragmentation and cracking of the crystal pieces. However, no scratch, even a simple one, was discovered in the design of these skulls.
Scientists assumed one theory that these skulls could have been manufactured, namely:
Those skulls were carved using diamonds in some unknown way, then their fine details were excavated using silicone and sand, but this method will take more than 300 years to be able to make a single skull! .. Which opens the door to deeper and more questions.
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Crystal skull
One of the crystal skulls is in the Museum of Humanity, in the British Museum in London, England, and this skull claims the "British skull", it has a fixed jaw, and historians believe that both skulls are made by the same manufacturer.
The British Museum acquired it from the Tiffany jeweler in New York in 1998, and Tiffany did not know or did not want to explain where it came from! There is a third skull called "Sha_Nar_Ra" and it was found in Mexico in 1995.
According to the specialized Elie Crystal website, the fourth is the Mayan skull:
It was discovered in Guatemala in 1912, this skull is carved in quartz and belongs to the supposed "Maya monk", as studied scientifically at Hewlett-Packard.

- And the fifth is the skull of Lazurde:
Carved in lapis lazuli, discovered in 1995 in northern Peru by the Inca Indians, a nearby tribe claimed the work was from "evil spirits."
The sixth is the skull of the Jesuits:
and we have news of it from the year 1534, that St. Ignatius of Loyola, the founder of the Jesuits, was in possession of it, and they say it attracts all kinds of birds.
- And the seventh, the skull of Shui Ting'er:
Carved in the Amazon, it was discovered 130 years ago by Chinese archaeologist Ying Fu Huo.
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Crystal skull
One of crystal skulls is in the museum of humanity in the british museum in London England and this skull claims the british has a fixed jaw and historian believe that both skulls ara made by the same manufacturer
It is worth noting that the American movie "Indiana Jones and the Crystal Skulls" dealt with this story of crystal skulls and their relationship with aliens, pointing out that bringing them together reveals the secret of absolute knowledge and that it goes back to the Council of Elders 13 who were assigned to rule the Earth. So does this movie tell the true story of those mysterious crystal skulls? ?? .

Source: websites