12Weird Things People Used To Do In Ancient Times That We Didn't Expect At All
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We will take you on a journey back in time to know the different customs that existed in ancient times and some of them will surely amaze you.
1. Prohibited substances for the treatment of cough
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Surprisingly, 100 years ago some banned substances were considered a harmless alternative to morphine and were sold in pharmacies as cough medicine, and were even recommended for children.
2. Smoking on airplanes
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Smoking was not a bad habit in ancient times 50 or 60 years ago, so it was allowed on flights, regardless of the wishes of other passengers. But of course today smoking is prohibited on planes.
3. Biphasic or polyphasic sleep
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Some Europeans who lived in the Middle Ages practiced what we now call binary sleep (which is the practice of sleeping after dividing it into several periods within the 24 hours), that is, they take the first rest at sunset until about midnight, then they wake up for 2-3 hours, either to perform Praying, reading, or even spending some quality time with their families or neighbors, then they take the second installment of rest, which lasts until sunrise.
4. The habits of antiquity in the shoes of the Chopins
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Chopins, or also known as zuccoli or bianelle, is a type of shoe that may reach a height of 50 cm (20 inches). This spread, as it was believed that the taller the woman, the more beautiful and prestige she would be.
5. Poor hygiene was a habit of ancient times
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It was believed in some countries in the Middle Ages that water could bring disease to humans, and lice were called “the pearl of God.” These beliefs were also believed by kings. Isabella the First (Queen of Castile) was very proud that she bathed only twice in her life: the first at birth And the second before her wedding. According to the testimony of one of the knights, her hands and nails were very dirty, but the strangest response came from the queen, where she said, "What if you think of my feet?"
6. Cupping for the treatment of all diseases
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The ancients used to use cupping by using cups for a period of 2000 years until the early twentieth century, and the bad use of cupping may cause physical harm, so it must be done by experienced professionals.
7. Photographing after death is one of the strangest habits of antiquity
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One of the really strange customs is photographing people after their death, and that was specifically in the nineteenth century, and the explanation for this habit was their intense desire to remember their loved ones who had left them. In general, these people were made to look good, as if they were alive.
8. The live or moving alarm is one of the habits of ancient times
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There was a somewhat strange profession from the mid-eighteenth century until the fifties, which is the passage of a person to wake people up in any way, including knocking on the windows of their customers with sticks, but the question here is who wakes up that alarmed person?!
9. Boys wear dresses from ancient times
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From the 16th century until about 1920, it was customary for young boys up to a certain age (4-8 years) to wear dresses. The main reason was the high cost of clothing: dresses were easier to make and lasted longer. Surprisingly, this tradition also reached the royal families: this is a picture of Alexei, son of the Russian Emperor Nicholas II, in a dress similar to those worn by his sisters.
10. Radiant beauty products
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Radiation was viewed as a positive phenomenon in the early twentieth century, as cosmetics, food and beverages were manufactured using some of these harmful substances, as well as radioactive souvenirs, and even water appliances.
11. Using rocks as toilet paper
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The toilet paper that we use now, of course, has gone through many developments and stages to reach this form. In some countries and civilizations, it was plant leaves, coconut shells, or even sheep's cloth or wool (for those who could afford it), but what you would not expect This is what the ancient Greeks did, they used rocks, pebbles and pieces of pottery as a primitive substitute for toilet paper, you can imagine it!!
12. Bathing tools
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Our ancestors used to carry their bathing tools when they intended to go to the beach. Until now, the issue is normal, but what is not normal is how these tools look!! Those tools were special carts similar to beach huts, and the carts were led to the water so that people could enjoy the water without intruding others, and the women's carts had to be placed at a distance from other people's carts to obtain some privacy.

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