UFO: when a strange twinkling light swept across the Limousin sky
UFO: when a strange twinkling light swept across the Limousin sky 2-79
In 2019, a strange phenomenon took place in the skies of Limousin. But what was this surprising light?
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UFO: when a strange twinkling light swept across the Limousin sky 1-977
For all the curious and lovers of space and all that can happen there, the website of the Group for studies and information on unidentified aerospace phenomena (Geipan) belonging to the National Center for French space studies is a veritable goldmine. There are a few phenomena that may have intrigued the inhabitants of the four corners of the country.
?What happened
One particular case is detailed here. This is the one that took place on November 29, 2019, shortly before 10 p.m., in Limousin . In this icy night, a courageous witness who was on his terrace saw a very bright star, with a particular twinkling. What happens is intriguing: the light appears, disappears, divides, moves away. The witness tries to film the scene , but nothing conclusive comes out of it.

But then, what happened? What is it about ? We can call this phenomenon a "PAN", ie an Unidentified Aerospace Phenomenon . Two people will finally testify on this subject. Not enough to learn more and to collect enough data . The mystery therefore remains around this PAN.
An "astronomical misunderstanding"
“The preferred hypothesis being investigated is an astronomical misunderstanding” , explains the Geipan on its site. Thus, “the case is classified “C”, case not identifiable for lack of reliable data” . Disappointing ? Perhaps, but above all mysterious. And that is perhaps the most exciting.
Other phenomena of this kind have been able to take place in France in recent months or in recent years. There was an example in Finistère . Or stranger still: the meeting at Valensole , or the day a farmer claims to have encountered extraterrestrials.

Source : websites