The skills revolution and the future of learning and making a living
The skills revolution and the future of learning and making a living 1-1044
Millions of workers around the world will need to change careers as automation increases.
Demand will grow for social and emotional skills along with higher intellectual skills, as will demand for both basic and advanced digital skills.
Bold and repeated steps to upskill can increase opportunities to earn a living.

As businesses and organizations across all sectors and industries actively use new technologies, including automation and artificial intelligence, ensuring that this development leads to enhanced shared and sustainable prosperity will depend on how well societies are prepared for the workers of tomorrow.

Public and private sector leaders have a critical role to play in helping create jobs that help people support their families, close skills gaps, and ensure that growth fueled by the technological revolution leaves no one behind. This report, based on research by McKinsey, reviews trends in the basic stages of education, from early childhood through lifelong learning, with a particular focus on the Middle East and North Africa region. It highlights the importance of focusing on skills development at all levels of education, and examines how new technologies and approaches can help both students entering the workforce and workers currently in their jobs. This report reviews eight key findings among a variety of factors shaping the future of education.

Source: websites