Girls From 4 Years Old And Above: Games And Hobbies That You Should Promote To Build Their Personality And Skills
Girls From 4 Years Old And Above: Games And Hobbies That You Should Promote To Build Their Personality And Skills 9122 
Games and Hobbies
Does your little girl have her own library? If the answer is no, encourage her to build a library. Her love for books is extremely important. Reading is the most important school skill at all, and the more you read to her, and she reads to you - mainly by retelling what you remember of what you read to her previously, beautifying it and adding details - the more she will tend to read and it becomes easier for her.
Soon she will recognize and draw the repeated words, and her love for letters will expand beyond drawing them on paper or trying to write her name. When you drive her down the highway, she points to billboards and greets her capital letters as friends she hasn't seen in a long time.
Besides your daughter 's toys , tapes and CDs, her toys collection will include a variety of things that reflect her interests and hobbies. You will likely have a large number of dolls and doll furniture, a set of small dishes, a small oven, and disguise items such as princess clothes, high heels, and all manner of cheap trinkets and beads. Or you'll get a cowgirl outfit, pirate clothes and items, or an astronaut suit. She will use her dolls - both male and female - to represent her stories. But they may also have a group of dinosaurs or reptiles and fake revolting insects and move them around the house and make them enter alleged caves or forests made of piles of squares or sofa cushions.
Girls From 4 Years Old And Above: Games And Hobbies That You Should Promote To Build Their Personality And Skills 10111 
Necessary information
Many kids from 4 to 6 years old have a favorite book that they want you to read to them every night, just like they have a favorite cover or a favorite plush toy. Introduce your daughter to a wider range of age-appropriate stories by reading something new at the beginning of the bedtime ritual and ending with the book she loves.
When it's time for her to get a gift, let your daughter choose what she wants at the toy store, rather than forcing her to take something you like. In short, support your daughter's new interests as you see fit, but without suppressing her unique personality. You might be fond of the modern version of toys you had at her age, or you might choose something completely opposite. You may feel the thrill of picking up the baby doll that you played with that Grandma kept, or the blocks that her grandfather put aside, or she may return them to you right away.
educational programs
Of course, the way your little girl spends her day and where she is, affects some of her gaming choices and hobbies. She often demands loud and insistent what she sees in the nursery.
Many children progress from the nursery program to regular kindergarten classes in a public, private, or religious group school setting. You should encourage such programs at home. Many of these programs introduce the child to computer use.
Girls From 4 Years Old And Above: Games And Hobbies That You Should Promote To Build Their Personality And Skills 11113 
Child experts agree that it is very important for a child to learn to play with games that require physical and motor involvement rather than just sitting in front of a TV or computer screen. Basic computer skills can be taught in half an hour, but a child spending long hours from childhood glued to a screen affects him negatively.
Read carefully the kindergarten program that your daughter follows. Ask for an explanation of the phrases you do not understand. These days, many kindergarten teachers speak the "instructive" language in an effort to raise their programs to the level of a first-grade program. Many of their programs are really impressive and hardly like the kindergarten you used to go to.

Today, more academic pressure is placed on a child's early years of education, so that when he enters the first grade of primary school he will be fully prepared. The kindergarten offering reflects this transformation. But after you understand the educational goals of kindergarten, you can build on at home all that your daughter has learned outside the home and what she enjoys most.

Fortunately, your daughter is now too old to tell you which activities are fun for her. And when you ask her what she likes to do in her spare time in the afternoon, she'll probably choose to play with her friends.