A declared war against reason and logic
A declared war against reason and logic 1-1066
Like what happened with us in Algeria, they made history for us, stating that our ancestors who died defending themselves, their land, and their honor against the Umayyad invaders were considered to be infidels, criminals, guardians of Satan, and they made the Umayyad invaders heroes and angels of the righteous saints of God who invaded our land, violated our honor, and wreaked havoc on our land by shedding the blood of the innocent. He unjustly plundered and plundered the property of the population, took women captives, enslaved children, and made a statue for the aggressor and bloodshed in Algeria as a symbol and in honor of him for his crimes because he led a campaign against our Amazigh nation, annihilating the sheikhs and men, degrading the honor of women and abusing corpses. Logic has made us sympathize with the occupier who violated our honor, forgetting the sacrifices of our ancestors who fell in defense of our honor and our land
A declared war against reason and logic 6013
In sum, the worship of people and their industry is a feature accompanying the eras of backwardness in which the mind took its open permission, hence the current Salafi-Wahhabi thought that dominates the hearts of gullible Muslims to restore reverence for the predecessors in its heritage, as it is the correct one in Islam, and every discussion of it is considered misguidance and blasphemy without resorting to the verses of the Qur’an Candid about it.
If we are obligated to create a statue for one of our heroes, and from the logic of reason, Axel is more deserving than Uqba, as he was a native of the region, who was martyred in defense of the homeland, not an invader.

Source: websites