It is very huge and lives without food for 3 years. The sudden appearance of a legendary animal from the time of the dinosaurs
It is very huge and lives without food for 3 years. The sudden appearance of a legendary animal from the time of the dinosaurs 1-1101
Natural scientists often search for animals that are rare to exist or appear, as taking pictures of them is an unusual event and comes as a surprise to many.
And the British newspaper "Daily Mail" reported that an American photographer specializing in wildlife was able to take pictures of the "Croczilla" monster, which is more than 4 meters long, after it recently appeared in the Everglades National Park in Florida, after a search that lasted for several months.
According to the newspaper, the reptile appeared and wildlife photographer Clark, who was looking for it, was able to take terrifying pictures of the 2,000-pound (more than 900 kilograms) monster, opening its mouth wide and showing its sharp teeth.
It is very huge and lives without food for 3 years. The sudden appearance of a legendary animal from the time of the dinosaurs 1-1102
The photographer was stunned when she saw the monster crocodile and said: "Although crocodiles are native to America, this 14-foot crocodile is the largest ever found in the wild. She wrote that she stood admiring Croczilla for more than an hour."
The photographer added that although this monster crocodile looks fierce, American crocodiles are very shy, explaining that opening the mouth is not a sign of aggression, but it is usually a way to regulate body temperature or yawn.
"Always keep a safe distance from alligators and other wild animals," she continued. Crocodiles can lunge up to 6 feet from their resting position, so experts urge people to stay at least 20 feet away from them.

According to natural scientists, there are 12 species of crocodiles, and it is strange that he cannot take his tongue out of his mouth, and he can live for months without food and may reach 3 years in extreme cases, as he retains energy in his body.
It is one of the ancient animals on the planet, as it lived at the time of the dinosaurs that became extinct 65 million years ago, and scientists were unable to determine a certain reason for their extinction, but the likely reason is the collision of the planet with another asteroid, which led to the death of all dinosaurs.

Source: websites