Among them is an animal that lives forever, and the strangest of them is another that can completely renew its organs.. Animals that possess strange powers that are hard to believe.
 Among them is an animal that lives forever, and the strangest of them is another that can completely renew its organs.. Animals that possess strange powers that are hard to believe. 71107
Although some forms of some animals on land and in the seas may seem stranger than we imagine, scientists used to go far in their research towards micro and microorganisms, and did not shed light directly on the strangest animals on earth.
That is why the French magazine L'Obs presents a series of ten animals with strange powers and exceptional qualities, or at least it is impossible to imagine what they really are by their appearance.
In an article by Jean-Paul Fritz, the magazine gives a summary of these wonderful and at the same time exotic animals, which are realistic creatures that live in nature.
Animals with strange powers you won't believe
The rodent that lives like an ant
Scientists call it "heterocyval", which means that its head is irregular in shape, but most people call it a "naked mole rat", because it is hairless, and it is almost deaf and blind.
But it has some amazing characteristics, the most important of which is its way of life, as it lives in colonies in tunnels, with a very strict social hierarchy and under the authority of the queen, which means that it is closer to the organization known to most insects.
 Among them is an animal that lives forever, and the strangest of them is another that can completely renew its organs.. Animals that possess strange powers that are hard to believe. 7253
The mole has a language or languages ​​like chirping, and recent studies have shown that each colony has its own dialect, and the mother decides which language will be spoken in her colony.
This mouse has another amazing feature. It is a cold-blooded mammal that does not feel most forms of pain, and is also able to survive in almost oxygen-free environments by "transforming into a plant".
Or, more precisely, by behaving in the same way plants do, as Professor Thomas Parke's team from the University of Illinois has shown.
What draws the attention of biologists and geneticists to this animal is its immunity against cancer, as researchers at Cambridge University discovered that these animals have the same susceptibility to cancer as other species, but the way their cells are organized in their bodies was a mechanism to resist this disease.
A bear cub on the moon
This animal was transferred to the International Space Station, and studied, and it is found all over the planet, and an Israeli probe containing a few thousand of it crashed on the surface of the moon in April 2019, and it is very likely that these organisms survived, even if in a state of hibernation.
Among them is an animal that lives forever, and the strangest of them is another that can completely renew its organs.. Animals that possess strange powers that are hard to believe. 7317 
Although microscopic, the teddy bear cub has tremendous abilities. It is a slow gaiter and can survive the vacuum of space, temperatures near absolute zero, boiling water, dangerous radiation and powerful effects such as those of a rifle bullet.
This organism can survive in hostile environments, solidify completely and then come back to life, but its only negative is that global warming will be harmful to it.
A group of scientists from the University of Copenhagen showed that water bears do not like high temperatures for long periods.
The blob..a memory without a brain
The blob is the second most important thing in humans after water bears, and it is not an animal, plant, bacteria, mold, or virus. Rather, it is classified as Visarum polycephalum (its scientific name) as a living organism, not a cell.
It is thus not made up of cells, but rather networks of interconnected tubes that can span several metres. It has no organs, let alone a brain, and is nonetheless capable of learning and communicating.
 Among them is an animal that lives forever, and the strangest of them is another that can completely renew its organs.. Animals that possess strange powers that are hard to believe. 7417
The author wondered: How can memorization be done without neurons? But French researchers from the Center for Research in Animal Cognition explained in 2019 that "the blebs learn to tolerate a substance by absorbing it."
This year, a German team also shed light on this mystery, saying that "the network structure of this organism can serve as a reminder of the past," said Professor Karen Alim, co-author of the study.
Animal wakes up after 24,000 years
The writer said that a microscopic animal woke up from a hibernation that lasted 24,000 years, as these microbes were discovered in the permafrost in Siberia by a Russian team, who was able to determine the history of the layer of frozen soil in which they were present, but this body is not a simple bacteria, but an animal Multicellular, and was able to reproduce by parthenogenesis.
Among them is an animal that lives forever, and the strangest of them is another that can completely renew its organs.. Animals that possess strange powers that are hard to believe. 7516 
The Russian team pointed out that the study that it carried out constituted so far the strongest evidence that multicellular animals can withstand tens of thousands of years, in a state in which their metabolism almost completely stops.
Jellyfish live forever
The “immortal jellyfish” is known as the only known animal capable of returning to childhood. It starts with an egg, then a larva, then polyps, and then moves to adulthood. It is a jellyfish that swims lazily in the water.
However, it can develop in reverse, to return to the state of polyps that give birth to jellyfish genetically identical to its predecessor, and thus begin to age again, in a process that makes them theoretically immortal.
Among them is an animal that lives forever, and the strangest of them is another that can completely renew its organs.. Animals that possess strange powers that are hard to believe. 7616 
A multicolored bird with an unpleasant odor
This bird, although not a cousin of the weasel, shares its scent characteristics with it. It is a beautiful, multi-colored bird with puffy plumage known for its foul odor about the size of a pheasant, and it feeds exclusively on leaves.
Among them is an animal that lives forever, and the strangest of them is another that can completely renew its organs.. Animals that possess strange powers that are hard to believe. 7716 
The hoatzin has a weak wing like chicken, and like cows, it has several pockets in the stomach, where digestion occurs slowly, and it is the rotting leaves in its digestive system that generate the smell that has earned it the nickname stink bird, and it lives in the tropical forests of South America.
Regenerating salamander (Axolotl)
This small Mexican native animal that lives all its life in the water has a strange face with a hairy bump behind its head representing the gills, and most of the time it remains in the larval state, without transforming into its adult form, although this does not prevent it from reproducing.
Among them is an animal that lives forever, and the strangest of them is another that can completely renew its organs.. Animals that possess strange powers that are hard to believe. 7816 
This animal also has regenerative abilities that have caught the attention of the scientific community. It - says Emmanuel Cora Costa, a biologist at the University of La Plata (Universidad Nacional De La Plata) in Argentina - renews almost everything in its body; Rejuvenates the limbs, heart, lungs, jaw and eyes.
He even recreates part of his brain if damaged, all without scars.
"This animal regenerates every injured organ, if it is not fatal," says Parker Flowers of Yale University, who is part of a team studying the genome of the miracle salamander.
It is therefore invaluable to researchers interested in the human body's ability to repair itself, but is unfortunately threatened with extinction in its natural environment.
"Panda Ant"
It is known by this name because it somewhat resembles a miniature panda that has an extra pair of legs, and those unfamiliar with the classification of insects may think it an ant, because the individuals “Espinola” (euspinolia) and its cousins ​​​​of “velvet ants” resemble ants, although they are the closest relatives of the wasp with That the females have no wings.
Among them is an animal that lives forever, and the strangest of them is another that can completely renew its organs.. Animals that possess strange powers that are hard to believe. 7912 
The panda ant lives in Chile, and it has a sting that it does not hesitate to use, and lays its eggs among the larvae of bees and other wasp species, to feed on the larvae of their hosts.
Giant squid is a mythical beast
The giant squid is not completely giant, as the largest adult animal ever discovered weighs a ton, and its length is about 13 meters. It lives in deep depths, and feeds on fish and other squid. It was first seen alive in 2006.
Among them is an animal that lives forever, and the strangest of them is another that can completely renew its organs.. Animals that possess strange powers that are hard to believe. 8015 
Scientists were able to sequence the genome of the giant squid in early 2020, and it consists of 2.7 billion base pairs, or 90% of the size of the human genome, and the diameter of the eyes of this creature is 30 centimeters, which is the largest in the entire animal kingdom, but it does not live more than 5 years approx.
Sailing Argonauts.. mollusks of the year
The “Argonauts” mollusk has no special abilities other than its appearance, which is what won it the “Mollusk 2021” beauty contest, as a jury of specialists chose 5 contestants out of 120 nominations, and the online audience voted for the winner, a type of “Argonaute” that was announced in The first of last February.
Among them is an animal that lives forever, and the strangest of them is another that can completely renew its organs.. Animals that possess strange powers that are hard to believe. 8156 
The female of these mollusks has special arms resembling oars and secretes a ceramic shell as thick as a sheet of paper, which forms for her what looks like a boat to protect her eggs.
Finally, have you seen one of these creatures before.. Share with us your opinion and some photos from your capture.