With historical and linguistic evidence, Slow eaters are of Amazigh origin
With historical and linguistic evidence, Slow eaters are of Amazigh origin 1332
Most Moroccans do not know the origin of the famous food that they prepare in Ramadan, weddings, and on happy occasions. Some of them even think that it is a modern food, while in fact it is an ancient Amazigh food as ancient as the Moroccan people in North Africa.
Where historical and linguistic evidence confirms that the famous Moroccan food during Ramadan and weddings in the Maghreb, which is called slo or slo, is a food of Amazigh origin par excellence.
According to what was stated in the book of the historian and geographer Abu Abd Allah al-Idrisi, who lived in the twelfth century, in his book Nuzhat al-Mushtaq fi Takhreq al-Afaq, that it is called in the tongue of the Amazigh Aslo, in which he described this food in an accurate description among the Sanhaji Berbers, stating that this Amazigh food is strange and nutritious and that Enough of it with milk makes one need food for a whole day, describing it as delicious food...
The origin of slaw risotto with historical evidence:
With historical and linguistic evidence, Slow eaters are of Amazigh origin 1-93
Slow is an Amazigh dish par excellence
The historian Abu Abd Allah al-Idrisi mentioned the Amazigh slaw eaters during his description of the country of Sous, Al-Aqsa Nol and Tazkaght (Wad Noun and Sakia al-Hamra).
Al-Idrisi described in the book “Eating Slow” an accurate description of how it was prepared in his time, and indicated that it is called the Amazigh aslo, and explained how one meal of it with milk suffices a person for the whole day.
With historical and linguistic evidence, Slow eaters are of Amazigh origin 1-478
From the book Nuzhat al-Mushtaq fi Intiraq al-Afaq (1) by the historian al-Idrisi, who lived in the twelfth century
It appears from his description that the method of preparing slaw at that time is not much different from the way it is prepared today. Except for some contemporary additions as a matter of development and diversification only.
The meaning of the word Slow in Amazigh
The word slaw is originally an Amazigh word and is derived from the Amazigh verb (issli), which means roasting something and frying it over a fire, including roasting almonds, flour, and so on.
The meaning of the word Slow in Amazigh
The word slaw is originally an Amazigh word and is derived from the Amazigh verb (issli), which means roasting something and frying it over a fire, including roasting almonds, flour, and so on.
And the Amazighs say: "Saly Acorn" meaning chickpea flour, and there is a type of flour for the Amazighs called (Acorn Eslin) meaning reddish flour or roasted flour. Hence the name risotto slaw.
As for almonds, ginger, and the rest of the spices, they are additions for the purpose of diversification and development, just as most other food dishes differ today from one region to another.

It should be noted that most of the famous dishes in the Moroccan, Algerian, Tunisian, Mauritanian and Libyan cuisine, such as couscous, tagine, taghra, harira, baghrir, bazin, rafis, shakhshoukha, etc. are dishes of Amazigh origin, and this is an undeniable fact confirmed by all historians.

Source: websites