?What is the difference between quantum physics and quantum mechanics
?What is the difference between quantum physics and quantum mechanics 11879
In practice, there are no differences between quantum physics and quantum mechanics. But if the term quantum mechanics exists, it is because it has a theoretical definition. Explanations!

?What is quantum mechanics
Mechanics is a branch of physics that studies the motion and states of physical systems. Similarly, quantum mechanics studies the movement of particles of matter. As well as the force fields that animate them. It is given the adjective “quantum” to clearly distinguish it from analytical mechanics. The latter has been widely used since the 19th century to describe the movement of bodies.

?What is the difference
Quantum mechanics therefore designates the mathematical formalism, the fundamental theory. Quantum physics encompasses all of the fields of application that call on the laws of quantum mechanics, from nanosciences to the evolution of the Universe.

See also: Can we reverse time? Researchers from the University of Vienna have achieved this feat. Using a switch, they forced a photon of light back to its previous state before it passed through a crystal.
?What is the difference between quantum physics and quantum mechanics 1-1214
Un mystère de la physique résolu par une nouvelle méthode de création d’espaces courbes
Des physiciens de l’université Purdue ont publié une méthode qui permet de créer des espaces courbes sans appliquer de déformations. Cette découverte permet aussi de relier la physique des systèmes non hermitiens aux espaces courbes, ce qui était encore impensable auparavant.

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