5antibiotics from your kitchen cupboard
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Thanks to the revolutionary developments in the field of medicine, we can fight bacteria and germs that are resistant to various drugs with the help of antibiotics. However, overuse of antibiotics has its ill effects on the body and may lower immunity.
If you want to avoid antibiotics while fighting infection, you just have to get them naturally by eating certain foods.
Here are 5 antibiotics from your kitchen cupboard:
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Honey tops the list of antibiotics and is known for its wide range of healing properties. The presence of hydrogen peroxide in honey shows strong antibacterial properties. In addition, the high sugar content inhibits the growth of bacteria. Because honey is low in pH it strips moisture from bacteria, causing them to dry out and die. Apply honey topically to infected parts or wounds to facilitate the healing process.
2-garlic extract
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Garlic possesses powerful antibacterial properties that work effectively against bacteria and prevent fungal infections. Evidence shows that the allium compound in garlic kills bacteria and is effective in treating intestinal infections that cause diarrhea. Doctors recommend taking two garlic cloves daily to combat various infections.
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Not only does clove act as an effective antibiotic, but it can also reduce inflammation and relieve pain. Studies show that regular intake is an ideal way to prevent infections, including dental problems. It works best for food poisoning and mouth infections and can be used topically to treat wounds.
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The capsaicin in peppers acts as a natural antibiotic and is highly effective in treating food poisoning and other digestive infections. Capsaicin boosts metabolism and raises body temperature, which helps it fight viral and bacterial infections.
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Wild thyme or oregano contains carvacrol, which has healing properties when inhaled. Oregano essential oil has been found to heal stomach ulcers. It also helps reduce inflammation and can clear up sinus infections. Apply oregano oil topically to the skin to treat skin infections.
Finally, plant extracts, essential oils, and some foods have natural antibiotic properties that have the potential to treat health problems. Certain food sources and extracts can inhibit the growth of bacteria in food.

Source : websites