The Houthis threaten to deprive 5 million students of textbooks... for these reasons
The Houthis threaten to deprive 5 million students of textbooks... for these reasons 1--146
Although the group spends billions of Yemeni riyals on sectarian summer centers supervised by al-Houthi's son-in-law, Qassem al-Hamran, who is responsible for child recruitment camps, the brother of the Houthi leader, Minister of Education in the unrecognized government, Yahya al-Houthi, threatened to deprive (5) million students of Their areas of control of the curriculum, if not received half a billion US dollars, to cover the expenses of printing the curriculum for the next year.
The group receives $320 million per month from the proceeds of selling oil derivatives , since the beginning of this year, according to parliamentary sources, in addition to the additional facilities provided by the legitimate government and the coalition supporting it to ships arriving at the ports of Hodeidah, primarily oil derivatives and domestic gas ships.
Qasim Al-Hamran, one of Abdul-Malik Al-Houthi's sons-in-law, changes the school curricula twice a year, to change patriotic lessons into ones that glorify the group's leaders and their history.
The Houthis threaten to deprive 5 million students of textbooks... for these reasons 1-536
Yahya al-Houthi, who holds the position of Minister of Education in the unrecognized government, sent a letter to the so-called Parliament in Sana'a, complaining about the lack of sources to finance the printing of school curricula or an approved budget for that, so that he can provide textbooks for the next year, according to ( The Middle East).
The newspaper confirmed that Al-Houthi asked the Council for an amount of (3) billion Yemeni riyals, (545) million dollars, and said that failure to meet the request will lead to depriving (5) million students in the general education stages of textbooks.
The newspaper added that Qassem Al-Hamran, who is one of the sons-in-law of Abdul-Malik Al-Houthi , is responsible for supervising the child recruitment camps, and he also occupies the position of Deputy Minister of Education, and he is the actual official in it.
The Houthis threaten to deprive 5 million students of textbooks... for these reasons 1-537
More than (3) million students in schools under the authority of the Houthi militia face the danger of distortion and extremist ideology. Due to the continuous change of educational curricula
It is likely that Al-Hamran is behind this deficit, and changes the school curricula twice a year. With the aim of introducing doctrinal amendments to it, and changing the patriotic lessons to others that glorify the group’s leaders and their history, and urge the young to fight, and declare all groups and currents opposing their approach apostate.
According to the same source, a large part of the education budget and the Teachers’ Support Fund, along with part of the proceeds of the Zakat and Endowment Authority, all go to finance the so-called summer centers that are supervised by Al-Hamran, and confirmed that these funds are spent without the knowledge of the so-called House of Representatives or The unrecognized government, and is not included in what is called the annual budget or the quarterly spending plan.
The Houthis threaten to deprive 5 million students of textbooks... for these reasons 1--147
More than (3) million students in schools under the authority of the Houthi militia face the danger of distortion and extremist ideology. Due to the continuous change of educational curricula carried out by these militias according to political directives, the use of schools for military purposes, the changing and falsifying facts of history, the politicization of the historical narrative , the interpretation of verses and hadiths to accuse others of infidelity, the conferring of religious sanctity on his dynasty, and hostility to the arts and women.

Source : websites