Al Hoceima hosts the Tifinagh Olympics competition in its tenth session
Al Hoceima hosts the Tifinagh Olympics competition in its tenth session 1-539
On 04/26/2023, the Regional Directorate of the Ministry of National Education, Primary Education and Sports in Al Hoceima, in coordination with the Literary and Artistic Opening Foundation and in partnership with the Royal Institute of Amazigh Culture, organized the Tifinagh Olympics competition in its tenth session, which passed in a good atmosphere and organization at the level, in which most of the schools that teach participated The Amazigh language at the level of the regional directorate in Al Hoceima.
Al Hoceima hosts the Tifinagh Olympics competition in its tenth session 1-538
This competition was followed by a training course for the benefit of teachers of the Amazigh language, along with two components, at the Literary and Artistic Opening Foundation in Al Hoceima, on April 27 and 28, 2023 at the Ali Ben Hassoun School in Al Hoceima. The training course was supervised by Professor Bouchra El Barakani, researcher at the Royal Institute of Amazigh Culture. The training was inaugurated by the Regional Director of the Ministry of National Education, Primary Education and Sports in Al Hoceima, Mr. Youssef Al-Amarti, and the Director of the Educational Affairs Department, Mr. Saeed Al-Khattabi.
Al Hoceima hosts the Tifinagh Olympics competition in its tenth session 1341
25 male and female professors benefited from the training, including (21) teachers of the Amazigh language and supervised by the Literary and Artistic Opening Foundation (4).
Al Hoceima hosts the Tifinagh Olympics competition in its tenth session 1--148
In conclusion, Mr. Regional Director praised, through his speech, the role and efforts of the professors in order to advance everything related to teaching the Amazigh language, and also stressed that the Directorate is ready to cooperate with the professors to overcome constraints and imbalances and is also ready to spread the Amazigh language by organizing activities and training courses, as promised Mr. Regional Director to allocate periodic meetings with the Association of Teachers and Teachers of the Amazigh Language in the Tangier-Tetouan-Al-Hoceima Region, Al-Hoceima Branch, as well as appointing more than one teacher in one school with a density in order to get out of the dispersion in which the teachers of the Amazigh language are floundering within the directorate, and to work to add the quota allocated to the Amazigh each year, in addition to assigning professors from the dual and other wires who hold certificates of specialization in Tamazight. Finally, the training session culminated in the distribution of certificates of appreciation to all participants.
Al Hoceima hosts the Tifinagh Olympics competition in its tenth session 1--149
As the Association of Teachers of the Amazigh Language of the Tangier-Tetouan-Al Hoceima Region - Al Hoceima Branch, we call on all concerned parties from the Provincial Directorate of Al Hoceima, the Regional Academy of Tanger-Tetouan Al Hoceima, the Ministry of Primary Education and Sports, and the Royal Institute of Amazigh Culture to provide textbooks in the One Million Wallets initiative and others, to provide books in public libraries, and to provide books Schools in schools for all grade levels, and digital equipment and resources in every school. Providing teacher guides for all teachers of the Amazigh language at all levels of study. Providing a continent hall dedicated to teaching Amazigh. Placing a field for the name of the teacher of the Amazigh language in the results of the students, and preparing the uses of time with the start of the school season.
Al Hoceima hosts the Tifinagh Olympics competition in its tenth session 1---49
With the denunciation of the retraction of assignments that concern the Amazigh. Postponement of assignments until November and December or more. Unfairness in the positions allocated to the movement, which are non-existent and the weakness or near absence of the financial positions allocated to the subject of the Amazigh language. The lack of clarity of the ministerial notes regarding the hours allocated to Tamazight, the scarcity of training courses, the absence of training in the preparation of digital resources, the dispensation of Tamazight in schools that do not have a specialized teacher, despite its presence in the timetables, and the absence of the title and name of the Tamazight professor from the students’ results…
Al Hoceima hosts the Tifinagh Olympics competition in its tenth session 1---50

Source : websites